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"Hello, Central!" What Tasks Are We To Do Before We Get Galactic Force Help?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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our website have kept our hopes for an announcement of NESARA at a peak!!!!! I wake up each morning in anticipation of the announcement. To say I have not been disappointed, would not be the truth, but my hope that that day will arrive has never faltered.

I cannot imagine the planning that must be done to permit such a hugh program to be implemented. I wish it were possible for you to give us more details of what it takes to accomplish this, but even I do not think that we should be enlightened on this. There are many folks who have to be protected, and I pray that they can continue to do their work and not lose their life in the accomplishment of their tasks.

I am at a loss to explain a few things tho, and perhaps you can help me out. I do not know how reliable messages from Peter tacke, Michael and others are. What is confusing to me, is that these messages seem to send the message that there are Galactic Forces (and I believe in that) that are going to help us when we have "accomplished" the tasks we are to do here on Earth Shan. I read nothing into this, except we are to send Love out to everyone, and wait for our Ascension. I hear the date 2012 talked about, about how the Galactic Forces are preventing horrible things from happening to us as we wait to Ascend. I do not understand what tasks we are to do before we get this Galactic Force help. I feel sure I am not explaining this very clearly, but hope you can see the questions I have about the variety of messages I am receiving.

I am truly a believer in the announcement of NESARA, and as with so many others, I do hope and pray that it will happen NOW!!!!!!

Keep the messages coming to help keep our thoughts on Love and getting the world back to the peace we all desire, by the announcement of NESARA!!!!

A confused but hopeful gal


Patrick: My computer was acting up last night when I tried to send this to you, it told me it was unable to send out this email, yet when I checked my "sent file", it showed the message had been sent out at least 4 times. Don't know what the problem was, but sorry to bother you with more than one message, I think. BM


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 17, 2006


Dear BM:

Thank you for your letter. There is much confusion over various channelled messages. Know that the Galactic Forces are helping us at this time and have done so for a long time. There is no waiting to ascend. The energies have been rising for a long time and our planet is well into 4D, as are many of her people.

One of our tasks is to learn Truth. As we do so, we raise our frequencies. We are to create positive energy in our lives and our communities by our loving/giving/helping actions. There is no standing still. We are either "with the program" or we are not. We are either of the Light or we are not. There is no gray area in the world of Spirit!

Ascension is happening all around us. That is why so many people are experiencing so many difficult lessons. Our pathway is like a giant spiral, where we move either downward into Darkness or upward into the Light. If our frequencies do not match that of our planet, tension builds within our cells, causing stress and physical deterioration.

There is no waiting to ascend. We are already either ascending in frequencies or we are descending in frequencies. People, who are choosing to "wait", are actually descending in frequencies in comparison to our planet. I repeat, there is no standing still. To reject Truth and to choose to do nothing is choosing to leave Earth Shan, and great numbers are doing so at this time.

Believe me, the Galactic Forces are helping us, or none of the Lightworkers would have survived the Darkside attacks this long. We have won the battle of Light for Earth Shan, and ascension is in full process. Our task is to hold positive energy through our power of thought for our planet and her people until relief arrives. That time is here. The "end of the age" is now. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer