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"Hello, Central!" Is There Someone Or Some Organization That I Can Support To Make A Difference In This World?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s written with the truth in mind telling the public of the atrocities of the government and organized satanic enemies taking over the United States and indeed the whole world.

We are told that we are asleep and need to wake up and show some intelligence according to the nature of the enemy. We are told by Creator God to get off our duffs because we can't be saved in ignorance; or at least until we show some initiative against the opposition.

Obviously, the satanic forces are extremely well organized and offer many benefits for those who become front line supporters for it; so there is great strength within the ranks of the enemy.

I appreciate what people are trying to say to wake up the uninformed and I know that just like myself there are many who would like to give support to an opposing organization that has the intelligence behind it to make a difference in the freeing of the masses who need to be awakened and thus freed.

My frustration lies in the fact that everyone seems to have an opinion but there doesn't seem to be an obvious leader that a sincere person upholding truth can rally behind and give full support to so that a difference can in fact be made.

Ofttimes when these inquiries have gone out we have been told to pary, believe in God and wait because in the end God will overcome. Yet we are also told that we can't be saved in ignorance, that we need to learn how to deal with the enemy and that The Creator will not interfere with our free agency and that we need to earn our own glory.

My question is; is there someone or some organization that a sincere person can give support to that will be able to make a difference in this world?

Thanks for your reply



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 31, 2007


Dear MC:

Thank you for your letter and your willingness to help make a difference.

Why are you looking for some organization or some sincere and truthful person to be your leader to change the world, your world that you helped to create? Too many people are looking for someone to do it for them, that they can support by their token gift or feeble words, while they carry on their life without interruptions.

That is the good, old American way! Let someone else get their hands dirty, take the hits in the battle of change, while they help when it is clean, safe or convenient. Indeed, where is our George Washington and Patrick Henry, when we need them? I remind you, my friend, that change is never easy, and victory goes to the strong and vigilant, not to the weak and complacent.

No one is going to magically step in and clean up our mess for us. It is up to us to do it. So, I ask, what have you done in your home and in your community to help clean up our mess? Any great effort that brings sweeping changes for goodness, or organization that serves the will of the people and the Laws of God and Creation begins with an "idea" by one person, then two, and three, who join forces to make a difference.

Could that one person be you? Will that one person be you? One person can move a mountain, one shovel full at a time. If one person in every community in America had an idea and decided to try to implement that idea for goodness, you would be amazed at how quickly they would connect to each other, and the number of people, who would join their cause. Change would sweep across America.

What if one person on your block and one person from the next block, and the next, etc. joined together with their ideas to bring change in their local community? Change is never easy, but a grass roots movement by brave and sincere people can build "a new nation under God with justice and liberty for all," as our forefather did. I should know, for I was there!

My friend, look not for another to do it for you. That is the way of failure. Can you do it? You will never know unless you try. Is there time to make a difference? Does it matter? It is not important that you changed your community or the world to the Kingdom of Heaven, but that you tried. What matters is your intent behind your words and actions, and the lessons in soul growth you learned in the trying.

Will America be returned to the Light by the will of the people? There are individuals and small organizations working to do so in some communities. Look for them and join their cause or create your own. Anything is possible, but it is all up to We the People!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer