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"Hello, Central!" As a Fellow Lightworker, I Am Being Visited By Dark Beings. How Do I Get Rid Of Them?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ppening for 4 years while actively pursuing my spiritual path. I am a follower of Sananda and all ascended beings in love and light and need help so that I can undersatnd what it is that these beings want. It has taken place at many different locations and even happened to a freind of mine while she slept in my bed. Maybe you can make better sense of it or maybe one of the readers can. In any case PLEASE HELP! This has been going on way too long.

It just so happened that I spent most of my day in prayer for the energy that manifested on earth for Oct 17, 2006 and was visited last night.

Keep up the great work.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 20, 2006


Dear TG:

Thank you for your letter. It is common for Lightworkers to be harassed by Dark Spirits or Beings to cause fear and stop their work. As workers for the Light, we have the power to simply order these Dark Spirits gone and then ask for protection from the Lighted Realms.

May I suggest the following prayer?

"Through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence, I petition Creator God Aton of Light and the Lighted Realms and so order that all Dark Spirits and energies be immediately, completely and permanently removed from my presence, my home, my work place and anywhere that I may go, and that space be filled with positive energy and Beings of Light. I give the Lighted Realms permission to assist me to make this so.

I also request that complete and permanent Divine Protection from all evil entities and energies be immediately provided to me, my family, my home and all my possessions and anywhere I may go. So be it! It is done!"

When you pray this prayer or one that you may wish to create, do not doubt but believe that the Dark Spirits and energies are gone and that you are protected, and you are! Doubt and you are not! It is as simple as that. We have the thought-power to control the world of the Dark Spirits and Dark Energies, because we have the power of Creator God through our God Spirit within.

It is all a matter of thought! I might add that at any time, Divine Help is only a thought away. When you feel an evil spirit present, think or say, "Sananda, help!" Instantly, Esu Immanuel Sananda will stand between you and your enemy and protect you. Ask for Sananda's Golden Light and Aton's White Light and Germain's Violet Light to surround you at all times for protection.

You need have no fear, ever, of the Darkside. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer