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"Hello, Central!" What Are Your Views On The Christian Belief Of "The Mark Of The Beast"?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ndering what your views are on the near future Christian belief of "The Mark Of The Beast"? Will this event take place...that people will not be able to purchase food and other needs without having this mark on (or electronic ID chip inserted in) their body? The Christians say that if you accept this mark, your soul is lost to the devil in hell. If a person does not belong to any particular religion, but believes in The Truth that Fourwinds10 brings, should he get the mark so he won't starve? (If some kind of government control like this does occur). I've even heard Christians preach that you will be tortured until you give in to receive this mark. Then if the torture doesn't persuade you; execution will take place.

I would be ever so thankful if you could enlighten me on this subject.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Michael H.

DATE: Nov. 30, 2005


Dear Michael H.:

Thank you for your kind words and for you questions concerning "The Mark of the Beast". Many people have a problem with this concept.

First, you must understand that any chip in your hand or forehead or number, such as "666" stamped on your skin, or number on a piece of paper, such as your social security number, has nothing to do whatsoever with your soul, the real you. The Darkside has caused great fear for many, who believe the lie of "The Mark of the Beast".

The only mark that the Darkside can place on anyone is the evil that you allow by freewill to be placed on your own soul. Any marks or chips on the physical body are only of 3D consequence. If we need to have a chip to get food to eat, so be it. In doing this, we are not lost to the Devil. That is total nonsense! Our body is only the house we live in while on Earth Shan.

If it should come to a place where we must accept some "Mark of the Beast" and can not prevent it, it is silly to subject yourself to persecution, torture and even execution to avoid it. By "creating a scene" you are making sure that you are noticed by the Darkside and raise many red flags for the One World Order.

It is wise to stay low-profile and accept that which you must, knowing that nothing done to your physical body will negatively affect your enlightenment and soul growth. In fact, you can protect your physical body from harm by asking for Divine protection from your Guardian Angels. Once you have done that, it is so if you believe it. From then on you walk in faith, believing that you are protected. Of course, you can not expect Divine protection, if you insist on taking foolish risks.

It is true that the Darkside had a major plan to control all buying and selling through chips and retina scans, and by this method control the world's population. I assure you that this plan has been stopped and will never be completed. We do see bits and pieces of this plan still being slyly placed upon some of the people, but it will never be allowed to control Earth Shan's people.

The Darkside's time is quickly ending on our planet. The Light has won. The spiritual Battle of Armageddon is over and Lucifer/Satan and their troops have been soundly defeated. The last of the Darkness of 3D on Earth Shan is now being removed by the Light of Creator Source. Everywhere people are choosing to turn to the Light or to leave. These are the last days of sorting, as many make their final decisions. Know that, as we march into the Age of Peace and Light on Earth Shan, the "Mark of the Beast" is of no consequence to us.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
