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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: CE


Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:39 AM

Subject: Freewill

Dear Patrick Bellringer

Granted, freewill is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity. But how can you -- how can the Ascended Master -- put so much focus on freewill, which is being destroyed by lies and cover-ups. A majority of American don't have the time to pursue Truth, most don't even have access to Truth on the Internet. Then, if you add in all the damaged food and brain cells (via food chemicals and cell phones), the odds against people recognizing Truth, even when it knock them down, are greatly diminished.

So, the majority live in the dark. I think the Ascended Masters have misjudged the situation. People make freewill choices only when they are presented with both truth and error; then they can choose truth ... but not when all they are fed is error.

I keep hanging on, knowing that surely some movement will become visible soon, knowing that NESARA is very near. That's my TRUTH!! And I'm thankful that fewer and fewer now believe GWB. However, until divine intervention steps in, the reality (even the concept) of freewill is lost on most Americans.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 29, 2005


Dear CE:

Thank you for your question about freewill.

Creator God/Hatonn has said in the Phoenix Journals and in the Bible (Romans) that there is no excuse for not knowing Truth, for everyone has been given Truth in our day. Everyone also chooses by their freewill to listen to or to ignore their God Spirit within, who knows all Truth.

We are all (and I mean everyone) returned Masters to Earth Shan at this time and have come to assist in the transition of Earth Shan into 5D. Those who choose not to wake up to Truth will continue on in 3D for their lessons in soul growth. Hatonn says they will have a minimum of 350,000 years handicap to get back to where we are now.

This is serious business, and Creator God's Laws are absolute! You say this is unfair? Divine Intervention is helping us to deal with evil, and we have a "grace period" prior to Ascension for people to wake up, but it is urgent that people respond to Truth now.

We cannot avoid the fact that each of us has a soul contract with Creator God, which we made before returning to this present lifestream. We agreed to experience certain things for our lessons. Each of us were chosen for this "trip through this third and last Grand Experiment, because we had experienced either one or both of the first two Grand Experiments. We were tough souls. We were survivors, and we accepted the challenge with joy and great hope for a new world.

You say that people's minds are damaged by poor nutrition, are mind-controlled and cannot think. They have neither time nor interest in pursuing Truth, and often that Truth is deliberately hidden from them. This is true. People have created situations from which they cannot now extricate themselves. That is why these next four weeks are so important to waking them up.

These three events of NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming, each spaced a few days apart, are the "gongs' or the "bells" or the "sirens" to get people's attention and alert them to the Truth. Over this next while there will be much work for the Truthbringers and Lightworkers to do. Their work will be to assist in this massive effort to awaken our sleeping masses from their slumber and present to them Truth one last time. Their choice will be very clear, to go back to sleep and continue in 3D or to wake up and ascend with our planet into 5D. Simply put, the choice is really between Heaven or Hell, between The Golden Age of Heaven on Earth of living for may lifestreams as cave men without memory of past experiences.

It is true that the 3D freewill experience offers the greatest opportunity in the universe for soul growth, but it is now time to close this chapter of the Third Grand Experiment and move on. Our task now is to help each other wake up!

Let us hope that most people will awaken, fulfill their mission and ascend with Earth Shan into The Golden Age of peace, abundance and freedom.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: CE


Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:54 AM

Subject: Freewill

Dear Patrick Bellringer:

Your response to my questions about freewill has granted me better understanding, broadened my perspective, and strengthened my faith that there will indeed be a great awakening when the NESARA "gong" is struck, and First Contact and the Second Coming event follow close on NESARA's heels.

Thank you for a most clarifying and enlightening commentary.

May God's Love and Light permeate the minds and souls of all who have, until now, chosen to live in darkness. May you -- and all like you who have put forth such a grand effort to bring NESARA to fruition -- experience every reward that NESARA, First Contact, and the Second Coming are about to deliver. And may the whole world soon know the joyful reality of living . . . .

In Love and Light,

