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"Hello, Central!" Does August 17, 2006 Mark a "Zero" Point, A Threshold Where The Old Is Gone?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e are 60 days left before the clock strikes that mark. In "Battle Earth Shan" regarding the way events and energies stand this hour, what is your readout on the significance of this upcoming point in time. Does it represent a "zero" point? A point of no return? A threshold where the old is gone? Time to make sure our boarding pass is in order? A point in momentum where those of the University of Light over come the University of Illusion? How is this related to Kali and Yuga cycles?

Also, C. asks about the underlined words in the Journals. Was this done by someone who previously read them?

Thank you for your assistance.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 20, 2006


Dear AC:

The plan was for Earth Shan to go into 5D within 25 years of the date of August 17, 1987, not 19 years. That would put us at 2012. Because time in 3D has been speeded up beginning in 1962, when our planet first entered the Photon Belt, and the second became shorter, that end date has been moving closer. The signs indicate that what was 2012 in 1987 is now 2008 or even sooner.

On August 17, 2006 we began another cosmic year, so that date is New Year's Day for year number 19 of this new cycle. The time remaining before Mother Earth enters the 5D frequencies is determined by her alone. Creator God must by Cosmic Law allow her freewill choices, just as for anyone else on this planet. Because our 3D survival is totally dependent upon Mother Earth, her decisions take president over ours. Only now people are finally beginning to understand that concept.

We are long past the point of no return in our assisting our planet to return to full health. She will have to do most of it on her own. We do not know how much time we will have to assist her, and as long as the Darkside continues resisting the Light our time to assist her is gradually shortened. I have said this before. Mother Earth is very sick!

You are right about the underlined words in the Phoenix Journals. We searched far and wide to find all the published Journals, so that we could copy them and put them on the internet. Some of them were borrowed from people, who had read them and underlined much of what they read. It was impossible for us to go through the effort of cleaning them up. Regardless of its presentation, Truth is!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer