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"Hello, Central!" Why Snap At People? You Lack Understanding and Patience!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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So why snap at people who rightfully ask questions instead of just blindly following a leader who puts out information that doesnt come to being,.

I personally believe you when you say that the chess-game is going on, and that people need to start taking actions for themselves to bring Nesara into being. But, you obviously dont fully understand the peoples plight. We can only wait for so long, before it becomes detrimental to our spiritual development.

You must understand that not everyone has developed the ability to communicate with the masters yet. Why snap at people, thats what I dont get. I never wouldve snapped at that person like you did; and I dont claim to be more spiritually enlightened than you. Its just makes me ask questions, which I have every right to do. I understand why we are frusterated, it always seems to be the same thing, and when we put out that positive energy, it never seems to be enough. You expect us not to get frusterated? How many more of us need to send out positive energy before it tips the scales?

We all want NESARA now. And I know blessed is he who believes but does not see....but that can only go on for so long. We are tired of the dark running loose on this Planet, we fight all those around us who are dark, and wake up those around us who are sleeping. What else can we do for NESARA? Especially when the people who are fighting the New World Order, people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and Steven Jones...says that NESARA isnt real. Are they double agents? I doubt that.

All I am saying is, try to understand why we would doubt NESARA, when all visual proof indicates the opposite. My intuition still says it will happen. And Im looking forward to the day when my inner and outer world will become one.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 28, 2006


Dear JJ:

Thank you for your letter. You make many assumptions. Fourwinds is not into the numbers game and is not trying to garner anyone's intellectual support. We present Truth. Truth is, and people must choose.

You assume that I can make things happen the way you want them to happen, e.g. NESARA. When they do not, you complain. If I tell you nothing, you complain. What gives? You assume that we have not/do not suffer. How foolish of you!

Over the years we have lost everything in our mission of presenting Truth to the world. Since February, 2006 we have even lost our webmaster son and three daughter's support and help with Fourwinds. Anne and I are the only "chickens" left to carry on. "I lack understand, I lack patience, I expect too much", you say. You have no knowledge of that of which you speak, my friend. That is only your limited perceptions.

Remember that we are all Returned Masters, and everyone here on Earth Shan promised to wake up and carry their load and persevere to the end to bring Earth Shan and her people into fifth dimension. Many have chosen to "fall by the wayside", but we press on. Some need encouragement, some need a helping hand and others need a few stern words. If offense is taken, so be it!

People like Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Steven Jones know more than you do about NESARA, but they choose to lie to you due to their self-imposed gag order. You think I am hard and demanding and intolerant. Not so! Wait until you meet Sananda and Hatonn and the Masters. They stand for Truth, period, with no compromising!

I have patience and compassion and endurance and humility, my friend, far more than you could ever imagine. May you have the same, and endure to the finish line!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer