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"Hello, Central!" Who Is Who? (Sananda, Immanuel, Michael, Jesus, Hatonn)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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some links to the Urantia-Book and from there I understand that Michael was Jesus and Immanuel a brother from Michael. But to the newest infos from Candaze now Hatonn is Michael and according to the Urantia Book Michael (not Immanuel) is/was Jesus.

I don't understand who is who now. When I compare the Journals with the Urantia Book they do not seem to tell the same truth. There is a Michael and an Immanuel in the Urantia-Book. Who is now Sananda when Hatonn is Michael and was Jesus. I think the Journal say that Sananda was Jesus.

Did I misunderstand something or missed I some text I should have read or is there any wrong information.

I hope you can shed some light on my question.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 10, 2005


Dear T:

Believe me when I say that the Phoenix Journals are Truth. They are the "yardstick" by which you can measure all else today. They were given to us in the 1990's by Creator Cod/Hatonn/Aton/Christ Michael for our understanding of Truth one last time. They by-pass all that has been written in the last 2000 years, including the Holy Bible, for all writings have been distorted by the Darkside. The Urantia Book Contains much truth, though it also contains error. You must read everything, including the Phoenix Journals, with discernment, and let your God Spirit tell you what is Truth.

The Esu Immanuel of the Bible is also known as Jesus Christ, though that was never his true name. This same person is Sannada Immanuel today, who came as a representative of or an ambassador for the Creator God of our Nebadon Universe, who's name is Christ Michael, or Aton/Hatonn of the Phoenix Journals.

Sananda Immanuel came as a Truthbringer in the spiritual energy and Truth of Christ Michael/Creator God. He came as his representative to the people, but the people misunderstood both his message and his name. They called him "The Christ" denoting deity or being divine, and they claimed that he could forgive their sins.

Religious Law of the day stated that "no man can forgive sins but God alone", and any claim to be able to do so was blasphemy, punishable by death. Therefore, the religious leaders (Pharisees) tried to kill Esu Immanuel on trumped-up charges. The real reason the Pharisees hated Esu was that the Truth he taught threatened their religious order. Note that Esu never claimed to be "The Christ", nor did he ever claim to forgive people's sins. He was only a Truthbringer.

Today, Esu Immanuel has again returned to Earth Shan as a representative of Creator God, Christ Michael. Through knowledge and wisdom he has earned the title "Sananda", therefore, his new name is Sananda Immanuel. Christ Michael/Creator God of our Nebadon Universe has also come to Earth Shan as Hatonn/Aton to assist with the Divine Plan of moving our Earth and her people out of the Age of Darkness of third dimension and into our Golden Age of the Kingdom of Heaven of fifth dimension established here on Earth Shan.

Is it not amazing that both Christ Michael (aka Hatonn) and Sananda Immanuel are speaking Truth to us today through Candace Frieze, as they did in the Phoenix Journals? May we heed their messages.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
