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"Hello, Central!" In Your Opinion What's To Come?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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and we are just a "blue halo" there ready to manifest from your point of only asking....can you give me a scenereo of whats to come in your opinion with out judgment on my behalf...thanks

in love in light


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 30, 2007


Dear I.:

Thank you for your letter. To have a sleep state to allow the Star People to clean up our planet goes against the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. We are responsible for our mess and the higher dimensions are not going to clean up our planet for us and make everything alright. Secondly, to have a sleep state would break the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention. Did you have a say in whether you wanted to sleep for a month and allow other to mess with your property and your space? I didn't! That would totally usurp our freewill.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and essential to the balance necessary to maintain our system. Our eventual second sun is to be provided by the Pleiades star system, toward which our Apsu solar system has been traveling since 1995. It is interesting that our little smudge pot Earth Shan is the only planet in our solar system that is still in 3D, and is leaving quite a trail of negativity in its wake.

It is high time that our planet join the rest of our solar system in 5D, and stop polluting our area of the Cosmos. You ask, "What is to come?" Earth changes will increase and/or Mother Earth will tip on her axis making it unsafe for us to remain here. At that point evacuation of our planet will occur. This includes both outer and inner earth. We will be taken to the Motherships that have been waiting our arrival now for several years.

From there we will proceed to the appropriate dimensions that match our energies and our soul growth. Those of lower frequencies will move on to the Astral Plane and then to another 3D lifestream on another 3D planet, while those of higher frequencies will graduate to 5D and higher. They may choose to return to their homes in the stars or to return to Earth Shan, when she has completed her restoration to her original pristine condition.

Those, who choose not to be evacuated, and there will be many, will die a physical death from the massive earth changes occurring on Earth Shan. They (their soul) will proceed on to the Astral Plan (4D), and from there to another 3D lifestream.

As I have explained many times, the Astral Plane is a transition plane. There you stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation. God does not judge you. You then decide what lessons you need to learn and where you will go to learn them. Those, who choose not to be evacuated, are choosing many more 3D lifestreams for their lessons.

Hatonn says they will have a handicap of 350,000 years in 3D before they will have another opportunity, as now, to graduate with our planet and go into 5D.

Do not be fearful about the future. The Star People know their work very well and have evacuated planets before. Be joyful and anticipate the excitement of meeting our Star Friends in person again. We honor you for your discernment and your search for Truth. Be in peace.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer