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"Hello, Central!" I Ask Supreme Creator God To Hear My Plea!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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(Correspondance to JS from Keg(J))

From: Keg(J)


You cannot grow if you continue the NESARA shit ...

sobeit!! They watch and then they send me with the bad news ...

You will be asked one more time to stop sending this crap out about NESARA ...and then we will let you go when you do not comply other words you will be on your own!!


* * * * * * *

JS reply to Keg(J))

Dear Keg(J)

I will give you my word,,,For 30 days I will not post about NESARA,,,It is my passion in fact the only passion I've have left,,,I will do my part for 30 days,,,

with Peacan Turlies and Will try the Olive oil,,,What I do on the outside of the Group About Nesara is my business not the Group because,,, I don't Post within the Group,,,Until I hear From The Supreme Creator God Himself I will stop,,,because it was from The Supreme Creator God Who Have Shown me in a version Twice,,,How Can I dispute with The Supreme Creator God How???St.Germain

"Mark My Words" I am coming after you,,,do you hear me,,,I am Locked In and ready to do my part to HEAR/See You Face To Face,,,

In Kindness

As I Come Forth,,,


So Be It,,,

* * * * * * *


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 17, 2006


Dear JS:

We honor you for standing up for Truth and for NESARA. To be expelled from any list or "group" for speaking Truth speaks of your integrity, and clearly states the "group's" Darkside intent.

As I have stated before in her challenge to me, June Stephansen (Keg) is an evil witch and leader of an Occult Group working with the Darkside to destroy any goodness, including NESARA. She has fooled many people with her deception, but her time of choosing to do so is ending.

We petition Creator God Aton of Light and through our God Spirit and our Mighty I AM Presence that June Stephansen be challenged one last time to turn to the Light or to be immediately removed forever from Earth Shan for her evilness. So be it.

The Light has won! The time of goodness and NESARA are here. It is now the time for all Darkness to leave Earth Shan and for Truth to reign supreme! Keep the faith, my friend. You are a Lightworker of great qualities.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer