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"Hello, Central!" Message From Down Under (Australia)

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ny years I think it is just wonderful that your site and those of others like you, are providing an anchor for those who need it. For those who are sustained by it, then their grip on the anchor remains firm, but for those who question themselves or others, find their grip lessens and so that anchor become less firm and they blame the anchor!

We have all been disappointed by the events which seem to have prevented our desires being met. "The Lord works in mysterious ways", is a quotation I remember. If we were God-like then we could bring about the changes necessary, but because we lack the "all-seeing" ability of the Creator, and because our free-will can take us in different directions, our direct route to the completion may take much longer.

I can only tell you that my own life experience has been just that - to learn that what appears to be happening for you, is not always what you really need or indeed, want. Something better is already there waiting for you to see it. Things that happen to seemingly thwart you, turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The timing may not have been quite right for things to work the way the should have. Believe me, I know this to be true, both from my own experience, and also observing other people's lives.

Do you remember a quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar -

There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries. (IV,iii)

This is one of my favourites because we can relate it to everything in our lives. I always think of this quotation in relation to our surfers who would understand it very well when trying to catch a wave. Another quotation comes to mind which could follow this one.

"He who hesitates is lost"

So many people are now "waking up" to their own awareness, realising just how weird our world really is. My age group has it over all the amazing new younger ones, having grown up with standards and a culture which has been eroded before our eyes over the years, but with the younger ones, not realising what has been lost need to be made aware. The new children being born and have been born in the past 10-15 years have their work ahead of them. You can see them in the prams and strollers, these little wise ones.

We, the baby boomers, have come here with the new balance to gently lead the world to realisation, so you older ones or baby boomers, don't think you cannot be of assistance, you are part of the anchor that keeps us all grounded. You may have experienced being put down by our elders at the time. You may have suffered more than can be expressed, but still you came on to graduation day, this day my friends, this day. It is indeed now your turn. You have waited so long for this, I know. Now is the time to speak your mind, and say your truth, what you know. If you don't, then who will?

This day of light will be remembered by all. Not just those who experience it, but all those who are party to this amazing experience we call life. Once our bodies are filled with light, then the rest of the world will become saturated as well. Remember every cell in our body contains water. Water is composed of Hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen brings life to the cell, hydrogen brings light! Your blood brings both oxygen and nourishment to the cells. Breathe in light. Breathe in the air.

Bless your water before you drink it. Bless your food with light before you eat. Fill yourselves with light and energy and watch the changes.

In case some of you are unaware of Dr. Emoto's work on water, may I encourage you to go to his website -

Thank you Patrick for allowing me to be a part of this, your work for so many who are touched by it.
