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"Hello, Central!" If Lightworker Dies A Physical Death At This Time, Are They Considered A Failure?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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die at this time, would he/she still go to an evacuation ship and eventually on to the 5th dimension or is a death before planetary evacuation an indication of failure on the part of the lightworker?

Are many lightworkers being recalled(death) at this time for special reasons? If so, what might those reasons be?

Could you comment on these questions and bring clarity to these issues?

Thank you,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 7, 2007


Dear DM:

Thank you for your letter. We choose when we die and leave this 3D physical plane. No one needs to die a physical death at this time, because we have the means to heal ourselves and extend our life. Also, we are to soon be evacuated to the Starships, and the Lightworkers would transition to the higher fifth dimension in a physical body.

Should a Lightworker choose to die at this time, that one would go to the Astral Plane or 4D, as do all souls, who leave 3D. There that one would stand before Creator God and judge himself against the Laws of God and Creation, and, thus, determine the next lessons in soul growth needed and the location for learning such lessons. If one "graduates", then that person would go on to fifth dimension, and would not need to repeat a 3D lifestream experience.

To leave at this time (die), in no way indicates failure. One may have completed his mission and needs to move on. Highly evolved beings may be needed elsewhere. The reasons for leaving are known only between the Lightworker and Creator God. It would be a joyous occasion for a Lightworker to leave this very evil planet, especially when one has completed his mission, is totally exhausted and needs a rest. Mother Teresa may have been one of those persons.

We all have our homes in the Stars. We have our Star families and our Star friends, but because we agreed to return to this lifestream without memory, we do not remember them. Hatonn says that we are all Returned Masters, but many have not awakened to the Truth and to their Mission, and they probably never will in this lifestream.

Regardless, know that we have won! The Light has won, and all Lightworkers will soon be "going home"! We can truly say that "we have fought a good fight! We have run the race, and it is now time for us to be moving on with Mother Earth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer