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"Hello, Central!" What Is Gong On? Where Is NESARA? What More Can We Do?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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For years we have been promised Nesara. We pray every day and do what little we can. Nesara is always about to happen, this week, within days or even hours; and yet somehow it never does. We have been given so many reasons for the lack of Nesara. There have been computer glitches, bank problems, sabatage of the announcement team, spies and underestimating the resistance of the dark side, to name but a few. Recently, we heard that by law Patrick Fitzgerald could only issue one indictment. Then we were told that the public was still not quite ready to handle the Truth/Light.

Meanwhile, thousands die. Millions suffer ill health and starvation while wars go on. Pollution of the Earth continues.

We have been given so many 'deadlines' that they are too numerous to mention. We all know that. Certainly, we were told back in January 2005 that Nesara, First Contact and The Second Coming would all take place in 2005. Probably sooner rather than later in the year.

Now, with the holiday season upon us, we still do not see Nesara. Instead, we are supposed to be happy that Libby was indicted. Does that seem like enough to you?

It is unclear to many of us how this all can be. We do not believe that Creator God wants anything but our good health and well being. Thus, Nesara was created. However, it continues to be held back from us while millions continue to suffer. We do not feel Creator God, or The Masters, want that for us. Yet, that is the reality.

Please Patrick, you understand this? Do you know why every appointed time for Nesara has come and gone with no announcement? "By their fruits you shall know them". Every promise has produced no fruit.

I have prayed and continue to pray. Every day. It is so difficult to honestly remain hopeful after so many failed attempts and as so much suffering continues.

Where is Nesara? When will we really finally see it on TV? What is going on?

Thank you for listening. I am asking for guidance.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 20, 2005


Dear D:

You have wisely stated how Anne and I and many other Lightworkers across Earth Shan feel at this time.

The continual delaying of NESARA makes little sense to any of us. The repeated delays may have been valid for certain people completing their lessons or missions or for timing in awakening the masses, but they do not seem valid for our perspective.

Supposedly the hold-up now is due to one recalcitrant soul on the NESARA announcement team, and a few controllers being held in quarantine, whose clones still operate in 3D. Can you believe that? This is preposterous that the whole planet continues to suffer for one too afraid to do the mission, or for a few who are deciding one last time to reject Truth once again. Get them off the mission and off the planet! They deserve no further mercy! There are many others who will immediately assist without question. If it had been allowed, many of us would have completed the NESARA mission long ago!

I am repeatedly asked, "What more can we do? How do we get NESARA accomplished? What is Christ Michael/Hatonn waiting for?" These are also my questions. Earth Shan and her people have reached the breaking point. Unless relief from the onslaught of the Darkside comes now the people will despair, and the positive energy of the "mass consciousness" will recede exponentially.

The Ascended Masters, Immanuel Sananda and Christ Michael have worked with us to achieve the goal of a maximum of souls awakening and progressing toward 5D at this time. The Lightworkers have worked hard, and nearly half of the people of Earth Shan have chosen peace. Positive mass consciousness has reached an all-time high as people anticipate coming positive changes.

Yet, time passes as the Iraq War drags on. Earth changes continues to take their toll with so little help to the victims from their governments. People are tired of war, of pain and suffering, of continued disease, of lack of jobs and constantly rising prices and expenses for no good reason. Our planet's people have reached the breaking point.

The Lightworkers are exhausted as they struggle against such great odds. They do not understand why Creator God and the Divine Councils of Light still debate the timing of NESARA. To us who must live on this 3D planet, it makes no sense. What more can be asked of us? What more can we do?

If we now pass the Thanksgiving season without NESARA and no real reasons to celebrate, the mass consciousness of positive energy will begin quickly to recede. The same goes for Christmas. How can the people sustain hope when there appears to be little hope for positive change?

It is time, my friend, for the Lightworkers of Earth Shan to petition Creator God Christ Michael and the Divine Councils of Light to break the deadlock of when to release NESARA. The people can endure no more and are breaking under the strain of holding back the Darkness. Help is needed now!

And so I plead with Christ Michael to send relief to our people, now! We need NESARA this very moment, before Thanksgiving. The goals we have reached will be lost unless we have relief, now!

I call upon all who know their power of thought. Together, let us pray and petition creator God for action be taken, now! NESARA is ready and must happen, now! In our daily life we keep "NESARA, now!" in our thoughts, and by so doing, keep reminding the Divine Councils of Light that relief for Earth Shan is most urgent.

Together with the Lighted Realms we shall bring relief to our people, and it shall happen now, before Thanksgiving.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
