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"Hello, Central!" If People Are Paid $75,000 A Month, Why Would Anyone Work?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 23, 2005


Dear BLM:

In twelve months after NESARA when payments of $75,000 per month start to those of 21 years and older, many changes will be in process or will have been made. We will have food and clothing replicators, free energy for homes and cars, etc.and a change in attitude from working a survival job to wanting to work where needed to improve our planet. We will not need nor want the type of foods and packaged junk that is sold in grocery stores today.

We will be eating differently and have much more fresh produce of fruits and vegetables. Agriculture will be re-structured away from meat animals to field crops of grains and other nutritional plants, fruits and vegetables. The various industries will drastically change, and many will vanish with the "old ways". New industries will be born to build free-energy devices, replicators, starships, health care technology, etc.

Your imagination will be the limit to our new horizons. No one will have to work, but those who stay to enter the Golden Age will want to work to help with the Ascension of our planet and her people into 5D. Money will become less important as our needs and desires change. With so much money and little need or even desire to buy anything, money will have less and less value. At some point we will go to a barter system like all enlightened planets, and do away with money all together, for "The love of money is the root of all evil".

In an enlightened society, when you need something, you ask for it, and you will have it provided for you. With True enlightenment you can, also, mind-create that which you need. Greed, laziness, selfishness, theft or any of the other low frequency traits will not be acceptable in the Golden Age. Those who do such will leave for another 3D lifestream.

It is all about helping to build a society and a planet in total balance and harmony. It is about caring and sharing and loving and living in peace and happiness. We are now at the beginning of this transition of our Ascension to 5D.

NESARA is the beginning step, and money is only a temporary part of that process.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
