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"Hello, Central!" The Sirian Agenda (Updated May 2, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e gave lectures at a local community center & since he had written a few books,a number a people attended,looking for some answers about sightings and other subjects.

At the time he began to make a claim that there was going to be open contact in the near future.He said that he had been contacted by the "Sirians"and that this open contact would take place on December 16th.1996.

This was taking place in Oct.1996.So we had two months to prepare.Needless to say we ate this up.We were excited.A number of us gave Sheldon some money,not much,but enough to help support him.Plus what he received for his lectures.

Guess what happened on Dec 17th when nothing happened on the 16th?

Sheldon skipped to Hawaii.Surprise,surprise.

So when I saw Sheldons articles appear on these web-sites I was wondering,is there anybody checking this guy out.Something we should have done.In our case,he had a couple of books published and we thought that was enough.

Anyway,I wouldn't put much faith in what this guy says.

I believe him only when he says hi.That's it.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 29, 2007


Dear S:

Thank you for your letter. As you know, Sheldan Nidle is a Sirian, as are many of the present day gurus, who are publishing spiritual messages on the Internet. Historically, the Sirian Agenda was to dominate Earth Shan and use Earth's people, as benevolent slaves for Sirian Darkside intent.

Creator God decreed that Mother Earth was to be freed of all control of darkness and off-world Dark aliens, in preparation for her transition into 5D, where no evil is allowed. Thus, all off-world Dark aliens had to leave with their starships and technology. The Sirians left and have not been allowed to return to Earth Shan, though there are many Sirian 3D humans, who remain on Earth Shan at this time.

Many of them, such as Nidle, remain in contact with the Sirian starships and their people, and have continued to give Sirian messages to the Sirian humans here on planet Earth. People generally believe that the weekly updates by Nidle are provided for public consumption. This is not there intent. These updates carry coded messages specifically intended for the Sirians remaining on Earth Shan at this time.

If this is so, then why do we continue to post these Sheldan Nidle Updates on Fourwinds? Originally, Nidle asked us to post this updates on Fourwinds to obtain a much wider audience. To this we agreed. Much later, when these updates became so confusing for so many of our readers, we stopped posting them on Fourwinds for an entire year.

Then Hatonn and Sananda requested that we resume posting the Nidle Updates to Fourwinds for the people's lessons in discernment in these "last days". I know, my friend, that you question our integrity for doing so, but everyone must learn to judge wisely to find the Truth they seek, and the Nidle Updates provide great lessons in discernment.

As you know, we stand by the Truth presented to us by Creator God Aton in the Phoenix Journals. It is interesting that the story-line of the spiritual messages from the Sirians, the Mormons and others run counter to that of the Phoenix Journals. It is also interesting that Creator God Aton chose the Pleiadians from Pleiades with whom to cooperate in Earth Shan's transition into 5D, and not the Sirians. Aton manifested as Hatonn in 4D, as Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet Command Ship, The Phoenix, and it is these starships that you see in the night sky with their rainbow strobe lights.

It is obvious when reading both the Phoenix Journals and the Nidle Updates, that the Pleiadian plans for Earth Shan are quite different than the Sirian Agenda. People are caught up in the materialistic world of things, of money, of pleasure and of living happily ever after in a 3D life-style. They want to believe the Sirian Agenda presented by Sheldan Nidle and ignore the message of Creator God for these "end times". Mother Earth will do what she has always done, cleanse herself.

Creator God Aton says that when this happens, there is no safe place on Earth Shan, none! There is no point in running from the coastal areas, or running from the fault lines or running from the volcanoes, because there is no safe place on the planet. The only safe place is with Creator God Aton and the Hosts of Heaven aboard their starships.

Those, who choose to board the starships, will be taken to safety, and those, who choose not to do so, will be swept away to a physical death. There is no other agenda, my friend, though to many, the Sirian Agenda is attractive. May we all be guided by wisdom and the Light of Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: JM

To: Patrick H. Bellringer

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 9:00 AM

Subject: The Sirians

Dear Patrick --

I'm glad that you have decided to go public with what you know about Sheldan Nidle and the Sirians. You mentioned that in a private email message to me several months ago.

I notice that in all of Sheldan's messages, the Sirians never identify themselves by name. It's always "we" this and "we" that. But there is another group, frequently channeled by Mike Quinsey, who also claim to be from Sirius and who go by the names of Ag-Agria, Diane, Sa-Lu-Sa and Atmos. These four also claim to be part of the Galactic Federation as they present an inviting and benevolent picture of things to come. What can you tell us about them? Same story?

To balance out the effects of all this Sirian input that we are receiving, I would like to suggest that Creator God Aton/Commander Hatonn appoint several of his trustworthy Plieadian crew members to channel messages to us on a weekly (or more often) basis. Such messages would supplement our readings of the Phoenix Journals and would obviously be in accord with the Phoenix Journals. I will be asking for that in my personal prayers to Creator God. Perhaps others among your readers would do likewise.

Blessings and Light. JM


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 30, 2007


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter. Creator God Aton has said that there are no new prophets and no new prophecies since The Phoenix Journals were presented to us. The Truth has been given to us one last time prior to the End of the Age", and nothing more is needed for our understanding of the times we are in and our purpose and pathway through it.

Anyone can contact any of the Realms of Light through their God Spirit within for their confirmation of the Truth, and every souled being has the ability to do so. To present public messages from The Realms of Light is a matter between Creator God and the individual. We certainly can ask for more Lightworkers to do that, as the Spirit moves them to do so, though we are to understand that that is not necessary. All has already been said that is needed for our understanding and guidance in these days.

I encourage you to use your own discernment/judgment concerning MQ.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DB


Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:42 PM

Subject: Response

Dear Patrick,

I'm very sorry that you have chosen to lead your flock of readers, down the rosy path of ignorance.

It would appear that your readers love to whine and blame someone, and Sheldan is as good a target as any, seeing he has brought the most grounded and detailed information regarding first contact..

Im sure you're aware that your posts regarding Sheldan make no sense and have no credence. Most of the info regarding Sheldan that you and the sheeples, err, I mean readers, have posted, is incorrect and fabricated, but if you feel that its necessary to make up such nonsense, no one can prevent you from posting it.

Look at reality, Patrick. . It would make no sense for God, or the GF to set up such a situation where all of the messages being sent are false, except ones that come from a grouchy, opinionated and egotistic person, who is quick to criticise any and everyone. (That's You.. just ask anybody) Please consider the possibility, that you are being directed by the dark side. JUST CONSIDER IT!!! Don't shrug it off. Don't get all egotistic about yourself. I'm trying to be a friend and alert you to a serious mistake you are making.

For a long time I respected you and your website. However, in the last few years it has become apparent that you have lost your connection with reality, and have been on a private mission to prove your worth (or something).

Does it not strike you as odd, that EVERY channeled messaged from ANY source disagrees with you?

Is it really likely that so many are wrong and you are right? Be realistic....

Whatever the reason is that you feel a need to place yourself as the new information leader, it has led you down a dark alley.

Your current hit piece regrding Sheldan is one example of your fantasy, as Im sure you know.

Just like any other brother or sister who has lost their way, I care about you and wish that you awake to your deception. So we've had cross words. I have that with friends sometimes. Patrick, I dont know you other than your website, but other than your indiscriminate readers who are looking for the mommy duck to walk behind, it has become just as obvious to anyone with discrimination that you have lost your way, as it is to anyone with discrimination that 911 was an inside job. Please take a step back and look at yourself from anothers perspective.

May you find the new world that you are seeking. I had thought that we would perhaps meet one day. Now I see we are heading for different places and that its not likely we'll end up anywhere where we'll have that chance.

May you reconsider your ignorant posts and come back to reality and the light of truthfullness before it is too late.

All the Best



----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 3:19 PM

Subject: Response/Sirian Agenda

To Whom It May Concern,

All is recorded by Creator Source. It is recorded in the Universal Record, the Akasha, the Book of Life, whatever your word preference might be, the Record stands that the Sirians and the Pleiadians have a history of battle and war between them. This is the time appointed by Creator God Aton of the Lighted Realms of the Great Sorting out, the balancing of accounts and responsibilities. Who follows the Laws of the Creation on this planet and who does not? The record stands that God Aton chose the Pleiades group to assist in Earth Project Transition. So much "to do" about not shooting the messenger. If anyone has a problem with this, take it up with God Aton of the Lighted realms. Go within to your God Center and stop the foolishness of "ego games".

In Love & Light,