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"Hello, Central!" Is There Something I Could Say To People To Help Them Learn Discernment, That Would Open Their Ears To The "Bellringing" Sound Of Truth?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Discernment is not something you can give to another person. One must learn it for one's self through practice. When you read or hear something, be attentive to how your body and your inner Spirit responds to it. You will have a "gut feeling" of either positive or negative energy. Your inner Spirit will give you a feeling of Truth or lie.

The Phoenix Journals and the Candace Frieze articles are Truth. Read these and ask your God Spirit for confirmation, if this is so. When you receive confirmation then proceed to measure all else against that which you know to be Truth. Personally, the Phoenix Journals are my yardstick for measuring all else. Over many years of experience with Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Sananda Immanuel, Violinio Germain, and the "Rainbow" Masters of the Phoenix Journals, I have determined these "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms" to be Truth for our time.

The use of the pendulum as described in my article, "People of the Lie: Phone Home, E.T." may, also, be helpful to determine Truth. Read everything, feel the energy and learn to sort out the energies.

There are some basics that we know for certain, because they are based upon Heaven's decrees for our time.

1. There will be no Armageddon, for the Battle of Armageddon is a spiritual battle, and it has already been fought and won by the Forces of Light.

2. No more war will be allowed on Earth Shan ever again.

3. All weapons of mass destruction on our planet have been neutralized and will never again be used.

4. We are in the "end times" and our earth is destined to be renewed and brought again into balance and harmony.

5. Earth Shan and her people shall make transition into fifth dimension (Heaven) by December 21, 2012.

6. The Golden Age or Creator God's Kingdom of Heaven is being established on Earth Shan now.

7. NESARA is very real and is the first step to our transition into the Golden Age of Peace on Earth.

8. NESARA shall happen this month of May, 2005

9. In a matter of days after NESARA is publicly announced, our alien friends aboard the starships surrounding Earth Shan shall land in peace, greet us and bring much new technology to improve our planet and our people's lives.

10. The public Second Coming of Sananda Immanuel (Jesus) shall happen this year of 2005, and earlier than later.

Knowing that these ten statements are true, you can then measure all else that is written or spoken by anyone, against this "yardstick" of Truth. When you know Truth, no amount of disinformation or lies can "rock your boat".

Hopefully, these comments will be helpful to you and your friends in learning discernment.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: CW


Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 9:45 PM

Subject: Confusion

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

I have written to you before and hope that I will not be considered the ultimate pest. There is someone or several some ones who call themselves the "Hosts of Heaven." They have put out a message stating all manner of dire situations regarding the speeding up of of the events that are going to a result of this, the three waves of those who will be lifted up "will be worked with more closely"..."We expect the wars to occur later this year, and a financial collapse to follow"....etc This information can be found at I have some dear friends in another state, (too far for me to reach in person), who are in their 80's and are terribly confused because they can't differentiate between the validity one "channeler's" information and another's.

You are so eloquent and so masterful with words. Is there something I could say to them that would open their ears to the "Bellringing" sound of truth , as you did for me. I'd be so grateful for any suggestions you might share. In Love and Light,

