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"Hello, Central!" I Think I Contactd Pneumonia Through Chemtrail Spray (Updated July 4, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t Cladmia Pnuemonia.

I exercise and often I am up with the birds at 5 am. This is usually when I do my jogging. After reading Kevin Trudeau's latest book, my spiritual advisor in Phoenix Arizona, and finally your webiste, I noticed that the government is testing something diretcly over the jogging trail in Amherst NY.[ Chemical Trail testing from airplanes] They are not testing on a daily basis, but it is usually every other day. Also a second plane will fly parallel often with the other spraying at the same time. Is this how I contacted the Pneumonia?

I am in excellent shape, and have been on Colloidal Silver for 3 years and under the direct supervision of Dr. Richard Hill in Phoenix Arizona. I am sorry I did not provide you pictures, but I am sure you catch my drift.

I am not part of the matrix that brainwashes society today. While others that are would think I was crazy, I needed to come to you. What do I do now? Wear a mask when jogging? Please let me know. Thank you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 3, 2007


Dear LJT:

Thank you for your letter. I have two questions for you. Please understand that it is difficult to advise one on health issues without any data.

Q. 1: What is the quality of your colloidal silver and what quantity are you taking? Much of the colloidal silver sold in Health stores is of poor quality, as the silver particles are too large to pass through human cell membranes. Microscopic silver particles are produced by electrolysis using a silver generator properly manufactured and calibrated for such intent.

If you have your own colloidal silver generator, you can produce colloidal silver cheaply and then can take a quart or more a day. This procedure should deal with all known harmful bacteria and all viruses as well. You may wish to read my article entitled, "People of the Lie: Colloidal Silver" ( ) for more information.

Q2: What is your level of spiritual understanding? You have the creative power through your God Spirit within to both heal yourself and to protect yourself from all diseases and all harm, if you are living your life with good intent. The Angels of Light will assist you, if you ask for their help. The problem today is that few people know this Truth and have the knowledge and faith to use it for their well-being.

Therefore, you need not wear a mask when jogging to protect you against Cladmia Pneumonia. There is no guarantee that a mask will protect you, but you can be protected by the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Yellow Light of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda, and the Violet Light of Violinio Germain. Ask for that protection, both total and permanent protection, then believe it and you have it. It is that simple. Doubt and you don't have it!

I do not know how you may have contacted pneumonia, but it does not matter. These very serious diseases are being created by our evil governments and are everywhere in our environment today. The Lighted Realms expect us to take reasonable steps to keep healthy, such as proper sleep, diet, exercise, and no unnecessary health risks. Beyond that we ask for their protection, and walk in faith, knowing that we will be o.k.

I know this to be true, because it has worked for me and for my wife for these many years.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: JB


Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 5:47 PM

Subject: RE: Article about Pneumonia

Dear Patrick,

Two years ago I came down with what people often describe as "walking pneumonia" due to the terrible hacking cough that indicates fluid in the lungs. This terrible cough went on for 8 weeks. I tried 8 to 10 different natural supplements including colloidal silver (that I make myself), and none of them helped.

A friend suggested that I try a mustard plaster because that cured her pneumonia when she was a child. I tried this and it worked. Why did it work? The mustard plaster actually causes a burn to the skin, that looks like a good sunburn. I think what happens is that the heat from the burn penetrates all the way to the lungs and melts the sticky fluids that are in the lungs, which then pass out of your system.

There are several places on the internet that tell how to make a mustard plaster and apply it.

I think the pneumonia was due to chemtrails as the area where I live is sprayed about 5 out of 7 days each week. I have also used the Colonix and Toxinout products that are offered on the web site. These products have been extremely helpful in eliminating chronic fatigue and brain fog. Colonix is a colon cleanse and Toxinout removes heavy metals. The web site has more than 1000 testimonials. The people writing the testimonials identify many problems that just went away after using the Colonix product. It is interesting just to read the testimonials.

The Toxinout product removes heavy metals but does not remove barium. A barium detox can be purchased separately on the web site.

The web site offers many excellent products. I was also very pleased with the Asparagus Extract.

The Dr. Chi's Asparagus Extract is excellent for detoxifying the kidneys. This is also effective for lowering high blood


You may pass this email along to the person who submitted the article related to pneumonia if you wish to do so.

Thank you for the good work that you are doing.
