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"Hello, Central!" I Need Some Word Of Help To Keep Me Going (Updated Oct. 5-6, 2005)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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at you are telling the truth, Casper, Poof and the Unknown, give us some hope, but so far that is about all they have accomplished. My economic situation is not good, due to the rampant inflation (that the government says it does not exist) yet I am more interested in being lifted to the ships than getting NESARA, because apparently the dark ones will not let go of their power so easy.

The reason I want my wife and I (also family and friends, then we’ll sort them out) to be lifted, is because my wife Alzheimer is progressing and so far there is no cure for it and up there the problem could easily be resolved. Every day she tells me that she needs to leave and go to her house with her mother or her sister. Both of them are deceased, 33 and 15 years ago respectively. I have to do a really good sale job for her to stay and I have to keep the house alarm on, just in case.

I do not pretend to ask you for definite answers, because I know that you must as frustrated as I am or more, I guess all I’m asking for is some word of help to keep me going. What a bummer, isn’t it?

In Love and Light


PS. I am being pressured by family and some friends to sell the house here in Florida and move back to California, S.F. Bay area, but I feel comfortable here, besides in California everything is more expensive. That’s why it is either NESARA or lift off and First Contact. I look forward to hug both of you in the ships.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 4, 2007


Dear AC:

Thank you for your letter. I certainly understand your financial situation, and also your concern for your beloved wife's well-being.

We are very hopeful for results in the NESARA Mission before this week is finished. The countries of the world are finally putting great pressure on the Bush/Clinton Cabal to cooperate for face very severe consequences.

Our planet has become very unstable, and has reached the point of tipping on her axis. Something must "give" very soon according to Hatonn. May I make a suggestion. Holistic health people have found that in nearly all Alzheimer cases, an underlying cause of the problem is the lack of Vitamin B Complex in the diet.

By using a natural source, (not the drug store synthetic type) of Vitamin B Complex, such as Shaklee, people with Alzheimer's disease have shown remarkable improvement and many have had complete recovery. I wish that for your wife, and we petition and so order the Healing Angels to come to her aid, immediately.

The U.S. can not go much further with no money to operate the Federal Government. Great progress is being made on the international scene to push the Bush Bandit into the "Nidle" trap to capture the "Bandito" and his Cabal. Again, we expect results this week.

Walk in faith, my friend, in these times of great testing and sorting. May you find within the answers you seek. Be in peace.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

(Reply)----- Original Message -----

From: DR

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:43 AM

Subject: For AC (Utterly Frustrated)

Dear Patrick,

I agree with you that natural remedies can do much for an Alzheimer patient.  I didn't know about the B complex in aiding Alzheimer patients but the very  best of the best in a B complex is manufactured and marketed by Nutrilite  (formerly Amway). This is a complete vitamin B complex produced from a  concentration of a specially cultured yeast (similar to brewer's yeast, NOT

the baking kind) -- which is one of the best sources of the B complex.  Nutrilite is very careful to ensure that there are absolutely NO chemical  fertilizers or additives of any kind in their products.

I have, however, read about much research conducted on phosphatidylserene  (PS), a constituent and derivative of lecithin. It has been fully tested on  Alzheimer's patients with phenomenal results. My own father was suspected  of having the disease. I put him on PS and his memory has improved  remarkably. Fortunately, the Alzheimer test came back negative but I  personally believe it was due, at leat in part, to his improvement after  having been taking PS for a while.

PS is available at almost any health food store and, if not, they can  probably special order it. There are now quite a few brand names to choose  from, all of which are likely very good.

Also, Alzheimer's disease has been linked to a concentration of heavy metal  residue in the brain, particularly aluminum. Therefore, drinking plenty of  fresh pure water might also be recommended to assist in cleansing the brain  of the heavy metal residue.

A good rule of thumb for the proper amount of water intake is to divide  one's weight by a factor of 2 and that will be the amount of ounces a person   should drink of water every day. Of course, due t  such a disease as  Alzheimer, you might want to adjust this amount to ensure that the heavy  metals are properly cleansed from the brain.

I, too, wish AC's wife good health and a remarkable recovery.





----- Original Message -----

From: MJ


Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 1:33 PM

Subject: Alzheimer's Disease

Here are some suggestion for one of you recent hello centrals.

Alzheimer's Disease

What was once a rare disease has become a household word because it now affects so many. Two new pollutants of the brain, inviting an old parasite to a location it would not normally be, is the explanation. The new pollutants are solvents that seek the brain.

Xylene and toluene are pollutants of popular beverages, decaffeinated powders and carbonated drinks. At first, the body can detoxify these but with a steady stream of solvent arriving, detoxification slows down and parasites begin to build up in the brain. Common fluke parasites which we eat in undercooked meat and perhaps get from our pets, can now reach the brain and multiply there.

Other toxins are also present, such as aluminum, mercury, freon, thallium, cadmium. Aluminum buildup is seen in all Alzheimer's sufferers (100%). This is undoubtedly part of the true cause. Did it come before or after the parasites?

Whatever the answer, your job is clear. Remove every bit of aluminum from the food an environment. Throw out the pots, the aluminum foil, the cookie sheets, the tea ball. Throw out the kitchen salt, the pickles, the baking powder. Buy things made with baking soda (not baking powder), use a plastic salt shaker, buy salt without added aluminum. Stop using commercial soaps and lotions. Make soap recipes in this book. Finally, tape over all aluminum handles in the bathroom and elsewhere (e.g. the walker) with masking tape. Then find a chelating doctor to help remove aluminum from the brain. Also use thioctic acid (100mg, take 2 three times a day).

Kill the four common flukes with the first frequency generator or zapper you can get your hands on. Prevent reinfection from meats and pets. Stop all commercial beverages, including water. The processing has left xylene and toluene in them. They are not put in intentionally. For the same reason, health food beverages are similarly polluted. Only milk is safely bought from the store. You must still sterilize it, however. Make your own fruit juices. Select beverages from the list of recipes given. Drink water from your cold water tap, filtering it with a small pure carbon filter as in a filtered pitcher (see Sources).

As much as xylene and toluene are brain-seeking solvents, Shigella is a brain-seeking bacterium. The symptoms it causes are not always the same since they depend on the location of infection. Sometimes they cause tremor, sometimes loss of balance, sometimes speech problems. But they are very serious problems. Kill Shigellas every day at bedtime with your zapper. Start the Bowel Program. When improvement is lasting you know you have stopped reinfecting yourself from your own bowel or from polluted dairy products.

Remove dental metal and use thioctic acid as a help to clear tissues of metal. Use vitamin C (3 grams) and B2 (300mg) to assist the liver with detoxification. Use B complex (2 a day) to assist the liver generally. Avoid food molds; ergot especially has strong mental effects.

Start a kidney cleanse as soon as you can. Follow this with a liver cleanse. Clean up environment and diet. Your beloved family member or friend with Alzheimer's can regain his or her mental functions to a considerable degree. Most important is stopping the mental deterioration before it is not reversible.

Simple Solutions for Alzheimer's Disease

1) A daily Colloidal Silver intake will eliminate all parasite and will raise the frequency the

of the physical body.

2) Increase water intake and a healthy natural diet.

3) Lightwork and healing meditations for daily balancing and chakra clearing.

4) Daily Exercise



We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex--but Congress can.


----- Original Message -----

From: ALD


Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 3:50 PM

Subject: Alzheimer's disease

Hello Patrick & Anne. I excitedly read your page almost every day. I am quite disturbed by much of what is going on in this world and I send whatever strength, nrg., light and love where and when I can. Just now reading about some with alzheimer's disease, I have found something that dramatically reduces all the bad heavy metal and industrial pollutants in human bodies. The product is called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), or liquid zeolite. I kid you not. You can pass on my address or phone # (867-633-2689) if you are so disposed to do. I can then explain as to where it is available in the U.S. and at length what it does. Thank you folks and keep up the good truth. A.L.D.