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"Hello, Central!" I Was A Little "Freaked Out" By Sheldan Nidle's Report For 09-06-05-. I Thought These "Extremes" Were Not going To Occur

Patrick H. Bellringer

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tremes", if you will, were not going to occur. I guess I didn't need to hear this on top of what I'm feeling for our dear southern family. Perhaps the cold I have and lack of sleep are getting to me, too. I look to you for insight because you always give such wisdom. Blessings to you ~


P.S. Is the "Milson" person really channeling Sananda? He's the one that is supposedly working with the Mormon church. 911/White Knights had the link on their website but now it's gone.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 7, 2005


Dear C:

Major earth changes have been held off so that our 3D mission and lessons in soul growth would not be short circuited. We needed to create the positive energies of peace on earth and of helping our fellowman in order to ascend with Earth Shan. Gradual earth changes are now happening but nothing major will occur until we have reached the higher frequencies that will assure our safety.

Mother Earth must re-shape herself to be in balance. It will be exciting to watch the changes for a change without being involved physically in them, trying to survive!

Yes, I believe Milson Macleod is receiving messages from Sananda Immanuel.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: MM

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 1:50 PM

Subject: "Hello, Central!" I Was A Little "Freaked Out" By Sheldan Nidle's Report For 09-06-05-. I Thought These "Extremes" Were Not going To Occur

Dear Patrick,

I much appreciate the work you are doing on FourWinds10 but this is just to let you (and others) know that I am NOT "supposedly the one working with the Mormon Church" and the messages on the Second Coming website are NOT received from Sananda by me. [but by another person who wishes to remain anonymous at this time ]


"The Milson Person"
