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"Hello, Central!" If the Queen of England Got Our IRS and FRB Money, Why Would She Now Want To Give It Up? What's In It For Her?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 23, 2006


Dear M:

Thank you for writing. The Queen of England comes from a very long line of evil Reptilians, who have held control of Earth Shan for millennia. In recent history the English Family Dynasty wealth has been held in security and secrecy in the sovereign country known as the "City of London", a square mile area within London, England. This wealth is held by the "Crown", and the Queen is only a royalty figurehead to fool the people but is subject to the "Crown".

Because the evil Reptilians were recently removed from Earth Shan, the dynamics of the Queen's position and power have changed. Apparently, she was allowed to remain on Earth Shan because of her soul contract. Historically, Queen Elizabeth has played a major role of controlling countries and gaining great wealth for the "Crown". As a country the U.S. has never been free of the "Crown's" monetary control.

The most powerful step in taking the wealth of America was the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) and the Internal Revenue System (IRS) in 1913. The FRB and IRS are twin foreign corporations established in 1913 under two separate trusts under the Crown of England. I know this to be true, for I have read the Trust Papers obtained from the secret archives of the City of London. If I can recall the numbers correctly, the agreement with the IRS was that the Queen would be paid 63% of all taxes collected, with the rest going to the owners of the FRB. To my knowledge no taxes collected by the IRS from 1913 -1998 have ever gone to the U.S. Treasury or to the U.S. Government.

We need to ask, "who are the owners of the FRB, who received this tax money? Answer: The thirteen wealthiest families of probably the whole world. Consider, my sister, that these most powerful systems of the FRB and IRS are being dismantled at this very moment in time. Miracles are happening.

To add to the Queen's historical background the world knows that Queen Elizabeth attempted to murder Princess Diana by putting out a "contract" on her. Diana was a royal renegade, who had witnessed the Queen's reptilian shape-shifting abilities and her evilness. Diana's goodness and her connections to the Arab world could not be tolerated. During the crash incident, Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were picked up by the Star People and taken to safety. Since then they have been living in Tibet with their two children under Divine protection. Recently, Diana met with Queen Elizabeth and shocked her awake with the Truth.

It is my understanding that Queen Elizabeth has returned to the Light, and that she has dedicated her life and her wealth to assist Earth Shan and her people in our transition into fifth dimension and our Golden Age of Peace. The temporary buying of some of the U.S. banks in order to remove the recalcitrant bankers blocking the NESARA Mission, and the sending of letters with up-front expense money to the program people at this time are two of the ways the Queen is helping us to defeat the Darkside and bring NESARA to fruition.

What's in it for her? There is much soul growth for her, and I would suppose that by taking action to try to make some amends for her past evil ways, the Queen may reduce the penalty for her crimes at The Hague.

Let us rejoice, as the miracles happen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer