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"Hello, Central!" How Does One Get People to Respond to Truth, and Can You Clarify the Truth Concerning Evacuation?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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and more lately. I feel that knowledge is power, and that is why I have spent so much time and effort trying to be a "Truthbringer". Since all the dissertations on envisioning peace/being peace/envisioning love/being love/"acting as if...."/etc. people respond to truth and warnings by saying that is the reality I'm creating, instead of creating positive realities. What is the best way to respond to this type of reasoning, without turning people off to TRUTH?? If People had awakened to Truth sooner, We wouldn't be in such a mess now.

Also, there is SO MUCH debate about whether We will be evacuated or sent to inner Earth, since our friend Candace is saying that we will all need to stockpile significant amounts of food and water and have basements available to weather the Earth changes/hurricanes/tornadoes/masses of people moving inland from Calif./etc. Also,there is reference to Russia and other countries having underground well-stocked facilities ready to go. Do you feel it is necessary to stockpile to a significant extent? I only have a small amount of food/water stored up for small emergencies, like power outages etc. From your information, I understand that We will be evacuated to the ships, and even our pets can come along. Is that still the plan?. Also, I have been wondering and people have asked me about medications that are needed for survival, for example, my thyroid medications and my B12 for pernicious anemia. When the Earth changes are over, what will We find when We are returned to Earth?? You are so excellent at explaining all this and referring to the Phoenix Journals. Now that time is short (I certainly hope), I want to convey proper information to people who are very distressed about what and who to believe. I certainly don't want to do more harm than good!! Bt the way,where and from whom has Candace REALLY received her huge mass of information??

You can make this into a HELLO CENTRAL if that would facilitate things, as I know many who are asking these questions. I just want ACCURATE info going out, instead of some of the garbage out there in cyberspace!

Thank you so much, dear friends - I truly look forward to meeting you on the ships - a cup of tea, perhaps!!




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 30, 2007


Dear PD:

Thank you for your letter and questions. People are at various stages of soul growth and awakening, and respond to Truth at their level of understanding and discernment. Most are not anywhere near the thought-creation level, and, therefore, have no clue of "creating positive realities".

As Truthbringers, our task is to present Truth simply and clearly, and allow people to "plug in" at the level of their soul growth and spiritual understanding. If we "fire hose" them with everything they need to know, we will assuredly lose their attention, because most people are not ready nor able to accept their responsibility for the whole Truth.

I have not responded publicly to the Candace Frieze fake messages created by her CIA handlers, because I did not want to add to the fear, frustration, confusion and even anger already present among many Lightworkers. Since the summer of 2005 she was gradually placed under CIA mind-control, when her increasing ego caused her to lose her Divine Protection. The Abundant Hope website is fooling many people with disinformation. Candace has been pulled into the Mormon camp and their plan to become the One World religion. The Mormon Church had great input in the compilation of the Urantia Book, and much of it is simply not Truth.

Creator God Aton is the main author of the Phoenix Journals, and He has made it quite clear to us that His name is not Christ Michael. Candace uses some of the Phoenix Journal material and the name, Aton, occasionally to give her writings credibility and to cause doubt and confusion about our work at Fourwinds.

For more than two years now, Candace has sent me negative e-mails, slamming me and attacking Fourwinds, criticizing Anne's work and accusing us of all manner of "wrong doing". She has used her fake Christ Michael and fake Ascended Master messages to trash us on the World Wide Web and to tell many lies about us and our work of presenting the Truth of the Phoenix Journals.

I have not responded to any of Candace's private e-mail to me, because that has no merit, and I have, thus far, been very guarded in any public reply to her public attacks against us and Fourwinds, for Truth stands on its own merit. I respond now and make this a "Hello, Central!" for all to read, because Truth must be revealed, and I give no quarter to the CIA and their attack on Truth.

Know that I always send Candace and her people Love and Light, that they might understand and correct their errors in these "ending times". This is the time for the whole Truth from Creator God Aton given to us through the Phoenix Journals to be revealed to all the people. May it be so.

People must learn to be discerning. There is no Stasis (sleep) Event, no Jupiter Event, no GESARA, no Plan A of a smooth transition of Earth Shan and all people living happily ever after in a grand paradise on our earth. Candace has concocted (no, the CIA has) the "Sovereign Integral Network" (SIN) nonsense, etc. The souled being already has a God-connection to Creator Source through his God Spirit within. Candace has kept many people, especially on the West and East Coasts of the U.S., in fear for their survival.

It is wise to have sensible preparations made for small emergency situations, but Aton says, if things become unsafe, we will be immediately evacuated to the ships. When Earth Shan blows, all who wish to leave (and their pets) will be evacuated from both inner and outer earth, so our planet can be re-constructed to her primal state and graduate into 5D. Only then will any of those, who have graduated into 5D, be allowed to return to dwell upon her surface again.

Do not be concerned about medications, clothing or anything else during and after evacuation, for all your physical needs will be provided for you aboard the starships. Those, who board the ships, will be cared for, as they choose where they will go next to continue their lessons in soul growth. Each will move to their matching soul frequency level. Many will go to other 3D planets, while others will graduate into the fifth dimension and return to their home planets in the stars, or return to Earth Shan after her restoration period of 3000 earth years.

Time is truly short for our Mother Earth and her people. From all the signs Mother Earth is close to her birthing. I believe that following the completion of the NESARA Mission, which is necessary to declare victory over the Darkside and begin the process of balance, we will have little time.

Be in peace, my friend, and be joyful over the completion of our missions and the release of our loving planet from her great bondage.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer