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"Hello, Central! I Have So Many Questions About Lift-off!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ith that child (at the same time and place)? If not, how long will it be before a child is joined by their parent or parents. Will young people be able to have children. Also what about the unborn child. Will it remain in its mothers body, or will it be removed and later given back to that parent? I am a 63 year old mother and grandmother. Will I see and know my children after we are lifted off this earth? Will we be able to spend time together? Also after the earth is destroyed, will we be able to come back and rebuild? What is going to happen to our homes, cars, money, pictures of family members and other things? Will we ever see them again? There are so many questions that have not been answered.

Thank you so much and GOD bless you and your family.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 6, 2006


Dear WC:

Thank you for asking. At Lift-off all children up to the age of accountability will be evacuated automatically. Any parent, who chooses to do so will go with their children. If separation of parent and child happens, they will be reunited aboard ship. Unborn souled children remain with the mother, unless the mother chooses to remain on the planet.

Yes, young people will be able to carry on their life and have children in the higher dimensions according to the Laws of God and Creation. Of course, you will see and know your own children and grandchildren in the higher dimensions. Why would you not? After evacuation, Mother Earth does her own cleansing and all of 3D is removed.

She will never be 3D again, but 5D. All your 3D "stuff" will be physically gone, but you will have full memory of everything. Should you return to Earth Shan again, all will be pristine with crystal cities, space travel and all the joys of Heaven! You will not need or even want your 3D "stuff". Trust me!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer