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"Hello, Central!" Should We Fear Asteroids, Aliens or the Project Blue Beam Intented To Fool Us?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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When I read it was shocking. He spoke of an asteroid, and a false alien threat. I did more research and these items directly represented the items spoke about in Project Blue Beam. In this article Secrets: What the Future Holds, a man named Ian Lungolds says we will meet our space brothers in the cycle starting in Nov 2006 and ending in Nov 2007. What's also interesting is that on the 2012 website on the Nesara/updates page it says on the top of site in big bold print those same dates, we will meet our space brothers and sisters. Dear Patrick,please answer this question for me our those dates the dates that the Elite have in mind for the planned fake second coming and messiah. I know you have probably read Project blue beam,and von Braun makes mention of an asteroid and a fake alien threat. Since he was a frontrunner in rocket technology and the pioneer of the space program he must of had secret knowledge of the government's plans. These could be warnings of what the gov. might try to do. Dear Patrick I pray for the second coming, but does the government really have such plans that could fool people when they see buddha or krishna or some fake holographic imaged projected into the sky and they then bow down to him in worhip. This is scary and an elaborate hoax that the gov. would try to pull out of their bags. They our so clever they speak about The Golden Age, this directly is attracted to the New Agers. Of course though I have been a christian all my life and I believe that entire scenario will be avoided all toghether because I will stand my ground. The protocols of the elders of the zion seem to represent this faction and allthough this is but one of many tools by the darkside I trust in you and your site and I believe it has helped me find some sanity and discernement in these times. Just a litte confused, truth is harsh, but necessary in order to find wholeness again. W


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 3, 2007


Dear W:

Thank you for your letter. Please understand that no asteroid will be allowed to cause our destruction. The Cosmos is very orderly and Creator God did not create our planet to be destroyed at this time of transition into the fifth dimension.

Secondly, there is no evil alien threat to us. Our governments have covered up most information about UFO's and aliens. The Starships here now are the "Hosts of Heaven", the Forces of Light, who have come from fifth and higher dimensions, where no evil is allowed. They have come to help us in this time of transition, and will evacuate those, who wish to leave, when earth changes make it unsafe to remain here.

All Darkside starships and aliens have been removed from our planet's atmosphere at this time, never to return. Project Blue beam is dead! It was tried in the early 1990's, but the Forces of Light turned the satellites out of alignment so nothing worked correctly. Any talk of this project or asteroids or aliens coming to harm us is pure nonsense.

My friend, the "Second Coming" is really evacuation, which can happen at any time. We will meet our Star Friends aboard ship and the other Beings of Light. Mother Earth is in great pain and is rocking and rolling, but few notice. She must roll over to cleanse herself of all the pollution and negativity.

My friend, do not fear the future. We are in good hands. Know it!

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer

[NOTE: Because we cannot reach W by e-mail, we are posting this response as a "Hello, Central!" PHB]