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"Hello, Central!" When Can We Really Expect The NESARA Announcement?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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or sooner, deadline for the announcement; and even after the attempted kidnapping we heard that the time was still now....not weeks but only days or hours away.....definitely before the end of April...Then weeks went by and April ended with no announcement.

Now, with Hatonn's April 30th messege, we hear that the banking situation has finally been resolved. However, now the dark side has put forth underground bombs to create further delays. Plus, the announcement team is no longer ready and must be, once again, flown back for the announcement.

Quite clearly, if we continue to wait for the dark side to stop creating obstacles, NESARA will never happen. We have seen them do this endlessly - via airplane delays, bank delays, kidnapping, bombs, computer glitches, etc. - and they always achieve their goal of preventing the announcement.

The MASTERS were so certain that we would have NESARA announced in April. I am sure that is why it is so disappointing to so many of us now. How could THEY be wrong?

We know patience and timing are important. Yet, to see our own families, and billions of other citizens of Mother Earth, continue to suffer is not right. So many of us are doing our best - in prayer and action.

I do not mean to complain. I am just trying to understand.

Where are we now, Patrick?

When can we really expect the NESARA announcement?

Thank you for being there.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 1, 2005


Dear R:

I agree with what you have said. How could the Masters be wrong? This seems to be the never ending story. In intent and ability they were not wrong! The one main variable is freewill. Even though Divine intervention has been mandated, there are situations where freewill must be respected.

Without such restrictions the Forces of Light could just sweep in and clean up the mess in an instant. We wish! Another variable is perfection. Many of us in 3D are under the illusion that all is in perfection in the Higher Realms, so, we call it Heaven. There is no perfection except at Source, the Creator of All That Is. So, mistakes and misjudgments can and are made even by the Forces of Light. Remember, we have been told that this is the first time that defeat of Darkness and Ascension of an entire planet has been tried. So, in a sense we are "guinea pigs" in this Third Grand Experiment, involving some trial and some error.

Yet, it is certain that the Light is winning. As Hatonn said, "The good news is that the banking issues with the prosperity programs are totally under our control and can't be further messed with" (Candace Frieze: Update From Hatonn, April 30, 2005). How many years have we waited for this? How many times have the bankers won the day? This is great news! The tangible evidence as proof that NESARA is real and has finally arrived will be the bank documents for the recipients of the prosperity programs being delivered to our doorsteps this week. Then we will know that our waiting is finally over.

You ask, "When can we expect the NESARA announcement?" My answer is, "This week!" With things finally under control the bank documents will be delivered to the people. When that happens the public announcement of NESARA in the USA will follow immediately thereafter. I will be most surprised if it does not occur by the end of this week, Saturday, May 7, 2005.
