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"Hello, Central!" This is Urgent! I Need Protection!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DVS

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 5:51 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Siterun Contact Request from DVS.


Sender Message: Just a bit ago I asked that someone call me & that it is urgent. IT IS. If someone there can give me a phone # to you there I can return the call from another number. This has to do with this FISA & yes I know I am being watched & listened in on. I need some good input & the truth as to how to handle this.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Dorothy VonSchlagel

DATE: Oct. 14, 2007 SUBJECT:


Dear DVS:

I assume that you are knowledgeable about spiritual matters and our message to the world via the Phoenix Journals. The only protection we have in this 3D life on planet Earth is from the Lighted Realms. The Dark controllers have great power over 3D and even 4D, but are rendered totally helpless by 5D frequencies.

You have the power within through your God Spirit to access the 5D frequencies and to not only protect yourself but to also neutralize all technologies of evil intent being used to monitor or harm you. You also have at least two Guardian Angels to assist you, if you ask for their help.

Begin by making a petition to Creator God for protection for yourself, your property and your family and friends. Through your God Spirit within and your Might I AM Presence order this immediate protection. Ask also for the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Yellow Light of Sananda, and the Violet Light of Violinio Germain to surround you, which Light nothing of evil can penetrate. Also request your Guardian Angels and the Forces of Light to assist in your protection.

Now the key is to believe that you are under Heaven's protection. Believe and you have it! Doubt and you don't! It is all that simple. You have nothing to fear or be anxious about, when you walk in faith, knowing that you are under the protection of Heaven. The Darkside cannot harm you, unless you allow it by doubting. Know it! You order the Darkside out of your space completely and permanently. You can place your computer system, fax and phone lines, etc. into 7D where the government can hear nothing, by requesting such of the Lighted Realms, and you can become invisible for safety when needed by asking for such. Your call compels their response.

We also petition Creator God for your immediate protection. Walk in faith, my friend.

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer