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"Hello, Central!" Are You Saying That We Will Not Ascend Into The Higher Planes Anytime Soon?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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learify this for me.

I though by 2012 (technicaly 2008) People will start to ascend into their light/crystaline bodies. You stated iny ou'r last post on fourwinds10.. that people who are picked up in evacuation will move to other 3d worlds.

From you'r last post i got the impression that we will not be ascending into higher plane anytime soon wich is ratehr dissapointing.

CAn you clearify for me what will happen untill earth has moved into 5d.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 1, 2006


Dear KL LK:

Thank you for your letter and questions about ascension.

Ascension is an individual matter and is based upon raising our frequencies through our lesson in soul growth to a higher dimension. Everyone graduates to a higher dimension, when they have reached that level of frequencies.

At this time we have the rare opportunity, as a people, to ascend to 5D en masse with our planet, who is going into 5D very soon, with or without us. All the people on Earth Shan do not automatically go into 5D, regardless of their level of soul growth, but those who are ready can go together as a group. Usually moving to a higher dimension happens sporadically, like the bubbles rising from an aerator in a fish tank.

Even under Plan A with a longer preparation time many people on our planet would not gain 5D. Should we have evacuation relatively soon, more people would not be ready for 5D as compared to Plan A. Everyone is at a different stage in their lessons in soul growth and each will graduate when they have finished their required lessons.

At this time Earth Shan, as a physical planet, is in high 4D, as are some of the people. There are some at the 5D frequency level, but most of the people on our planet are still in the 3D frequency range. Even under Plan A many would be sorted out to various 3D planets to continue with their lessons.

Evacuation under Plan B does not delay anyone's ascension into 5D, if they are ready to do so. Some people fret about having to wait 3000 years for their return to Earth Shan, if we should be forced to evacuate. If you are in 5D where there is no space, mass or time, the 3000 years needed for Mother Earth to restore herself will pass quickly. A thousand years in 3D earth time is as a day in Heaven's timing. So, you could no more than go aboard ship and talk to your family and greet your Star Friends, and three days would have passed and you would be "called" to return to a Pristine Earth Shan!

Never will you be disappointed in what lies ahead for those, who are enlightened. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer