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"Hello, Central!" Isn't There Anything Organized That Can Be Accomplished While We Wait And Meditate?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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f the different information web sites etc. there is almost always a call to "get the Jerks out of office because they are leading us all to certain shame and destruction", then we are told to stay neutral and not judge. grin and bear it, long suffering and patience etc. and leaving us to stress about how to be at peace.

Isn't there anything organized that can be accomplished while we wait and meditate? Maybe some organized concept like boycotting a specific key product that has a vulnerable nature. Take them down in their weak spots, whatever that may be, I don't pretend to know but I'll bet someone in another dimension will know.

We need a good leader who has inside information as to the best strategy and an equally good readership. I am sure it could be done with much needed cooperation and there are so many who wish to be able to participate with their part rather than stand by.

This perhaps is a better alternative than an activity that will give Bush an excuse to call out the troops on us. I really don't know if this is feasable but there doesn't seem to be anything else that I've heard about that is. I would love to hear your comments on this.

Love and blessings to all!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 29, 2006


Dear MC:

Thank you for your letter. I understand your frustration at the slow progress of NESARA, and the desire to take some 3D action to move things along. I believe the best action that any true Lightworker can take at this late state is to create positive energy by helping others, by petitioning the Lighted Realms for their Divine Intervention, and by sending Love to everyone.

This is not a battle flesh and blood but of 4D powers of Darkness in a contest with the Light. All is not as it seems. Any 3D action on our part against the Darkside would have little effect. Our greatest weapon against the Darkness is the power of thought. Many Lightworkers are finally realizing that and are creating such positive energy that the Darkness is now overwhelmed on Earth Shan.

Know that the Darkside is losing very badly, and they are now in panic. Physical evidence of this is everywhere. The 100th dimension of unconditional Love is leaving them powerless and in fear, something they have never before experienced on our planet.

Each of us has the same spiritual potential to help change our world to goodness. Victory is here! I know I have said this before, but I know this is true now, for I feel it in my soul. The Age of Darkness is ending rapidly, and we have created the mass consciousness to make it so.

Rejoice, my friend, as Truth shall soon reign supreme forevermore on our beautiful planet, Earth Shan.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
