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"Hello, Central!" PHB Is An Insane Charlatan Nit Wit And Fourwinds Is A Sham!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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anyone can be the messenger of God if he/she chooses, but the information contained on your website is nothing more then a self serving ego trip for yourself. I feel sorry for the people out there who are eating this crap up, one because NESARA is a hoax plane and simple, if you people think a check is coming in the mail and all will be set right you might as well believe in the tooth ferry. You are giving your power to some nit wit who talks about spaceships and 9/11 as if their was a connection....there is not and if anyone was a real researcher here they would call these shenanigans for what they really are....complete BS. Now I will not say that everything on here is completely false there are some good lessons to be learned, and there is always a grain of truth in every lie, but people wake up and take your power back, stop looking to a website to save you, or someone who is obviously just telling you what you want to hear. The only way to change yourself is by doing it from within, no person can get you to that point, have we not learned anything from organized religion? Jesus made it clear, God is in everyone of us, if we choose to accept that you will see it and feel it.

This man here, is not Jesus, and if you are looking for salvation you are looking in the wrong place, Patrick they have places in hell for people like you who lead good and honest (though naive) people away from the truth. I pray for you my friend, and hope that you see the errors of your ways someday. As for the people who come to this site, I beg you seek out other sources of information before you lay your allegiances down to a man of this ilk...I am sorry but the spaceships and the 9/11 story sent me over the edge, I have looked into that terrible day for the better part of 3 years, and to be pandering these lies is a mockery of good sense, and affront to every honest researcher who is trying to discover the truth....please people wake up, this site is a shame as well as NESARA, don't sell your soul to a mortal, seek God in your own life and he will answer and guide you.



I have nothing to say to "walking dead and cement people". Truth stands on its own merit! PHB