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"Hello, Central!" I Am Sincerely Very Interested In Doing More Work, To Become Happier Through Giving Back"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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heal people mentally, and compassion is the most i do. I am writing to you because i am sincerely very interested in doing more work and make my inner self much happier through giving back.

Thank you and send my deepest thanks to all the great Angels, Masters and the many great spirits and people who are helping us.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 25, 2006


Dear GI:

Thank you for your letter.

What work did you have in mind? The world is at your feet, and the whole Cosmos awaits your response. There is much to be done to help bring balance and harmony in each and every community in which we live. Our desire and action as Lightworkers is the only limitation.

I suggest that you find a need in your own community and go to work to meet that need, and ask your Angels to help you. That is how you create the miraculous!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer