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"Hello, Central!" Fourwinds Has Published Anti-Semitic Articles and That Creates Negativity! (Updated August 5, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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i have read over the last several years have trul changed my life and contributed immensely to my growth as human being of light. Consequently, i have been able to positvely affect the people around me, my community and the general vibratorty state of our planet.

Thank you for this service!

I am also writing to you because i have ar request.

I have noticed that the Four Winds site has periodically over the years, and espcecially recently, published artcles that anti-semitic in nature. I site writers like Edgar J. Steele and John Kaminski as an example but, as you know, there are others who contibute in some for or another to the messgae that purpotedly tries to comminate: Jew's are responsisble for the world's problems, cannot be trusted and are generally eveil people. I may overstate the issue for simplicity's sake but i don't think that i am that far off the mark given quality of and quantity of related material that has been published on the site.

Let's not even discuss the merits or the "truth" of what is written but rather focus on the energy behind the message. To me, they are filled with negativity, venom, and much, much fear. If you could distill it to one word i would say that they filled with the energy of separation.

Patrick: you recently wrote the following beautiful words in response to an attack to and Anne:

"I encourage you to use great discernment in everything you read. Do not be deceived by the words, but check the energy level. Does the energy vibrate with goodness, Truth, and Love or does it carry the subtle reverberations of negativity--of ego, fear, anger, hate or condemnation? Your gut feelings are usually telling you the Truth."

I coudn't agree more with your advice which is why i am writing to you with this most humble request:

Please, please let's the raise the level of the converstation that Four Winds has with its readers and the world.

By publishing these articles Four Winds is actually strengthing and giving energy to the very thing that we are trying to get beyond.

If what we are headed to and trying to achieve is a world of oneness, unity love and peace then the most powerful way to bring these things about (as you have often reminded us) is to stand for and BE completely aligned with these energies rather than giving energy to the thing that we oppose by fueling our sense of indignation and most of all, false sense of separation. These articles tell me that the "problem" is out there ie. the Jews (or the immigrants, or our government or the liberals or the coommunist etc. . . ).

The problem is inside of us and our sense of separation from our Source. The Source that is smae for all peoples and which are now, finally, reuniting with on a mass conscious level.

Dearest Anne and Patrick: please continue to give us more fuel for journey bak to Source rather then occasionally putting on the brakes with energy of separation.

I suspect that i am not alone in this sentiment and perhaps you may consider opening this issue up for honest debate with the larger Four Winds readership and community.

Again, thank you both for your wonderful work!!

May a thousand blessings reign upon you and yours for a thousand years.

Love, Light and Flow



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: J. M. L.

DATE: August 4, 2006

SUBJECT: Reply Dear J. M. Lasa:

Thank you for your letter and your kind words for our work at Fourwinds. I am glad that we have aided you in your soul growth. Often times the Truth hurts. Creator God Aton/Hatonn presented to us the Phoenix Journals to give us knowledge, which leads to wisdom and enlightenment and positive energy. By your standard Creator God is anti-Semitic, as are the entire lot of the Phoenix Journals.

Creator God Aton/Hatonn through the Phoenix Journals has revealed to us the lies of the "Holy Bible". The Jews are not "God's chosen people". The land of Palestine is not the "Promised Land" for the Jews. The word, "Jew" is not found in the Bible (original texts) but was coined in 1776. The Zionists took the name "Jew" as a cover. The Zionists hate the Jews and are only using them for their purposes to set up a One Word Order to control everyone from their world capital of Jerusalem.

The Jews (Ashkenazi in general are not Semites. They came from Khazaria. The true Semites are the Arab people and a minority of Jews. To be anti-Semitic is to be anti-Arab.

Well, I am only re-inventing the wheel. For years we have had this information about the history of Israel and their fraud on Fourwinds, but only recently has anyone gotten excited enough to call us anti-Semitic. No, we are not against Arabs, or anyone, but we most definitely are for the Truth.

I suggest that you re-evaluate your position of anti-Semitic, for your ignorance is showing. Fourwinds stands as a Lighthouse of Truth, and any negativity that the Truth presents is that of your own creation. Presenting Truth to the world brings Light and not darkness, and Oneness, not separation. Creator God has offered the dirty, ugly Truth to you, in Love, for you to do with it what you will. Ponder that, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

P.S. Read David Icke's article, "The Story that So Very Few People

Have the Research Or The Guts to Tell" (

/ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=10346) that we just posted on Fourwinds.


----- Original Message -----

From: SG

To: Patrick/Anne

Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 4:01 PM

Subject: Hi :)

Hi Patrick and Anne,

Thank you for all the deep down to the core works of truth that you both do. Helping us all to be in our higher self remembering who we really are, and why we are here. Bless you both.

This letter in response to the message you received from J M L Friday August 4th regarding your info being negative about Jews. Let me say that for me as a truthseeker with my own experience to back me up. Please let me explain if you would, and thank you for allowing me to so. I am not a surface investigator or researcher, because my intuition always pulls me deeper into getting to the bottom of every situation, and I am never happy or satisfied with just partial truths...mainly the fluffy sweet side of every story. That side of the story does not need any help, but the uncomfortable upsetting side of whole truth does need alot of our help turning darkness into light, which is the best power trip there is. Mainly because it gives the best learning experiences to gain complete knowledge to reality, and not falsehoods leading to chaos and confusion. Complete truth is like finding the missing link, and nothing can be completed or finished until the last puzzle piece is found. It's like finding a lost treasure knowing complete truth sets us free, because of the mass security it gives to have that full knowingness of reality before our eyes. It's value is for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear...those are the ones who have no fear in knowing where the problem areas are, and willing to resolve then to the best of their abilities as soon as possible, which is the positive. Without a doubt wanting to be responsible to the oneness of all to show the factual historical trail to the world, and see what our freewill will do with it. Will it be called negative and the truthbringers info be misunderstood with ignorance by ones not using their intuition or even doing their own thorough research to get a better realization about the whole situation.

No one should be attacking the Jews or anyone else, but their actions of beliefs of separation one against another (which some religions have worldwide). One country, race, religion, sex, age, language, career, lifestyle, status, educated, political party, neighborhood, friends are better then another to look down in value of another. It is easier for ones who have lived with division, separation to run away from full truth the unpleasant part by, ignoring it, saying it's OK or exceptable, normal and the popular thing to do, feel it's negative to talk about and don't want to rock the boat because it's the way the majority think these days, so just change the subject or walk away and let the mess keep happening day after day building up in negative strength. If ones actions having a dirty path with continuous suffering passing on from one generation to another...needs an immediate complete thorough fearless nonstop investigation exposing the darkness to elliminate further harm to our existence. Does neglect or ignorance solve anything showing a lighted path to follow? Planting seeds of the full truth as guide posts to helps others along their journey for a better that negative. Truth is light, light is love, love is God. Their is total light and love when we take away the grey area of having just partial truth.

Some people have more time to do extensive research and should be honored for their great works to give a helping hand. They say we are our worst ememies to blindly limit and block ourselves from true happiness by being overcome by our own fear of the unknown. Anyone who is blocking the full truth to be told by calling it negative is causing further damage to all Creators creations, which is the negative. Full truth is bueatiful positive energy giving complete comfort to our soul making life worth living. I know that only full and complete truth has the highest positive energy which moves mountains...meaning more darkness is disappearing by the light of truth. That requires going down to the deepest level to the core of reality producing the cause and effect that creates the beginning of a direction going away from our original Source of God Creator.

The shallow person just picks the best part and leaves the rot to keep rotting away at something, but the deeper person solves the problems by cutting the rotten out first, and enjoys the rest completely with out the insecurity of being harmed. Some not all nonwholistic doctors just pick one part of the body to focus on with tunnel vision formulating half-truths, and leaving the rest of the body out as unimportant to the total equation, and end up with a disaster. The whole body is connected as one and so is truth, and so are all of God's creations. Nothing can be ignored or left out with nothing being hidden in the unknowing of secrecy or ignorance, which is what true negativity really is all about..problems unsolved to continue on and on until the fearless souls rescue the day. We are sacred, and we deserve nothing less then excellence.