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Hello, Central!" Is It Possible To Destabilize The Entire Dark Agenda By Replacing The U.S. Presidential Inaugeration With NESARA On January 20, 2005?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e education I've received through your writings and posted articles far suprases anything I've received anywhere else. >From the depths of my Heart and Spirit, thank you!

I had a rather nice thought float through my mind earlier this day. Could it be that the Forces of Light (Lightworkers, White Knights, our Space Family, and Ascended Masters) are planning something large for the inauguration?

To me, the inauguration feels like a huge triumph for the dark agenda. It would signify that they've once again stolen the united States from the true owners of the country - the People. Is it possible that someone (like Violinio Germaine) could go up to the ficticious President and let him know, on live television for the entire uS to witness, that Bush(it) is now under arrest for too many crimes against humanity to count (I believe the count is well over 200). A blow like this could destabilize the entire dark agenda and throw them so far off balance that NESARA could sneak in like a thief in the night, taking all the stolen property, abundance, and hope and returning it to the rest of humanity (and that's not just the uS. We're all on this planet together :).

I believe it's very possible that this could happen. After all, we do create our reality every moment with our thoughts and feelings. If we can get enough people to do some Power Praying, we can create such a victory for the Light.

World Peace is not a pipe dream of the insane. It's humanity's destiny.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 15, 2005


Dear JO:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds. It is up-lifting to know that our work has been of help to your spiritual growth.

I strongly support your suggestion that the U.S. Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2005 in the name of goodness and world peace be usurped by NESARA. I sincerely believe, that to inaugurate G.W. Bush for a second four-year term again as an unlawful president, would certainly be a "high triumph for the dark agenda", as well as a total affront to the good people of this country and our entire world. To allow such to occur would be a giant leap backwards in bringing of world peace, freedom and abundance to our people

This cannot be allowed. We do create our reality by our thought power and our heart feelings. I totally agree that anything is possible, and that sincere "power praying" is the answer to changing our present reality. So, I now propose to you and to all the enlightened ones on our Planet Earth Shan, that we get very serious about using our prayer power to stop the January 20, 2005 U.S. Presidential Inauguration of G.W. Bush by publicly announcing NESARA to the world on that day.

"We petition Creator God, and through our God Spirit and our Mighty I AM Presence, so order that all those, who are enlightened on Planet Earth Shan and all the Ascended Masters, the Forces of Light and all the Hosts of Heaven would now join together as One, and pray a mighty prayer to Creator God for the removal of all remaining darkness from our beloved planet, now! As One, through our thought-power we think NESARA into our reality, now! As One, by our thoughts we create the end of all evil control, and we un-create the plans for the coming U.S. presidential inauguration. It shall not be! In its place we thought-create NESARA and the initiation of the Golden Age of Peace. As One, we thank Creator God for allowing our planet and her people to have "peace on earth", now! So be it! It is done!"

Yes, peace is humanity's destiny! Pray, believing!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
