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"Hello, Central!" For Hundreds Of Days Now, Why Have We Had Nothing But "Empty Promises"?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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us there was no new date, it was still now. June 30 was given as the outside, latest possible date for these events although it would probably be sooner rather than later. They didn't happen. Empty promises.

We have witnessed a summer of more killing in Iraq and a month of horror on the Gulf Coast. They have continually told us Nesara was at hand. It would just be days or even hours; momentarily. Yet, it didn't happen. Empty promises. Instead, the suffering grows.

Many of us pray daily and do our part to create Nesara. At nights we watch TV, believing "this is the night". But it does not happen. We have our own small pain while others have huge suffering. How do we explain all this? Saying it is "the burning off of karma" is not adequate anymore. We have Masters, Star People and Technology and The Forces of Light. Still every promise of Nesara has proven to be an empty one. Why? How?

We have often been told "by their fruits you shall know them". What does this say about all these empty promises? Hundreds of days of empty promises.

I realize that this is unpleasant to discuss. I still have great hope and faith. But there is much discouragement among many out here, amidst the huge suffering we have witnessed and experienced.

If you, or the Masters, could somehow explain this to us we would be incredibly grateful. How has Nesara still not happened? So many are hanging on by a thread. We need understanding and reason for hope.

Please share what you can.

Thank you Patrick.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 20, 2005


Dear D:

Rest assured that you are not the only one raising serious questions about "empty promises" these last five months. We have some answers but certainly not all of them. We focus on 3D and all the misery because we are caught in it, therefore, it is hard to be objective.

To see all, as do the Ascended Masters, we must move to a higher dimension and see 3D for what it really is, an illusion. We have chosen to experience this illusion of 3D for our lessons in soul growth, but when we are actually living it, we find it painful and frustrating and often incomprehensible. To us "God's ways are past finding out", to quote the Bible.

The most difficult question to answer has always been the "why" question. I do not know "why" there has been so much suffering and so little relief to the people of Earth Shan. I know some of the reasons, but the constant passing of stated deadlines for change, to me, has become unreasonable. I have said to my wife, Anne, that when Christ Michael, Sananda and the Ascended Masters finally act and the Darkside is stopped, they have some explaining to do to the people for all these delays.

I do not believe that "empty promises" is the correct terminology nor that they are intentional. We live on a freewill planet and the Lighted Realms must honor our freewill choices. The permission for Divine Intervention has been granted but intervention on a limited basis. They still cannot "do it for us". They can help us, but we must do our part. That is the real problem behind the scenes---dealing with the human factor.

The information we receive is limited, for Creator God chooses not to reveal everything to us. We are told only what we need to know for our own soul growth. What we need to understand is, that in Creator God's Plan for our time, all is happening for the greatest good of all. Perched upon our grain of sand on our little anthill, it is not possible for us to see the whole world, much less our solar system or the Nebadon Universe. Creator God sees it all!

The opposite is also true. We may be tiny in the scheme of things, but each of us posses great power through our God Spirit within and our prayers have created much positive energy that is shaping our world for good. The ants on the anthills of our world have united and are demanding change, and end to war and help for the little people.

That is happening. Creator God has heard our calls for help and is intervening with the Forces of Light. The mighty boot of evil would have crushed us and our anthill long ago, if that were not so. I do not believe we are experiencing "empty promises", though that is what it appears to be from our 3D perceptions. Creator God's "delays" are not His denials. Know it!

We shall have our Golden Ago of freedom, peace and abundance and a marvelous homecoming with our Star Friends in Creator God's perfect timing. When the lessons have been learned and the victory has been won, we shall celebrate. When? Soon, my friend----soon! Hope in God, for He is your Keeper!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


From: JC


Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:18 AM

Subject: Article "Empty Promises"?

Regarding the above. The phrase "GOD helps those, who help them selves" comes to mind.

Maybe, Our free will is the key to unlocking the answers we are seeking regarding the above.

Maybe the empty promises above, are our empty promises to ourselves.

Where is our seat of power???

Why are we not going from within and getting our directions. Why have we handed our power to some-one or something else outside ourselves???

We are supplied with truth, yet we do not know how to use it. Once understood, truth becomes the Excalibur of change.

