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"Hello, Central!" How Can We Make Rescue Teams, Scientists, City Organizations, Etc. Aware Of First Contact?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t possible to bring scientists in dialogue with people who "knows", are aware of what is going to happen between now and two years?

It is so difficult to break through the barriers of scients who have the facts on paper about global warming and all the changes with it.

They have all seen the movie from Al Gore and still hold on to what they believe in.

This government in the Netherlands is so asleep and it has such an ego, you can hear that in everything they tell.

Patrick is there anything you feel to say to us, about what we have to look for?

There are not so much people who stand up to work on this issue, you know!

All my emails stay unanswered, I wrote to Mark v Dijk, Nora.

Maybe you know something??

I will keep you informed if you like about what we achieve, ok?

Heart Greetings


p.s. It will workout well anyway!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 17, 2006


Dear HWF:

Thank you for your letter, and for being a Lightworker. It is most difficult to discuss First Contact with people, who are unenlightened and do not even believe in aliens, let alone have any knowledge of the Divine Plan and Hosts of Heaven present around Earth Shan at this time.

It is not necessary for our rescue teams to be involved in any lift-off by the Star People. The Starships and Creator God's plans are quite adequate for the task. As Lightworkers we can only present Truth to those, who will listen and send Love and Light to everyone.

Know that at a soul level everyone has already chosen where they wish to experience next for their continuing lessons in soul growth, even though they have not awakened to Truth at this time. There is only so much that we can do. We cannot save the world! We can only shine our Light of Truth, and those, who so choose will "see" and "hear".

I honor you and your group for trying to make a difference. It may be discouraging to see so little response to Truth, but Hatonn/Aton says that every seed of Truth we plant, though we see no results, the soul knows, and that seed will sprout and bear fruit in other lifetimes for that person. Also, Creator God Aton knows the intent of the heart of the person who planted the seed of Truth, and that intent counts for much in the Realms of Light.

Use your discernment in how to approach people and what to present to them. The Angels can open magic doorways and present opportunities to those Lightworkers, who are willing to try. Every effort to present Truth has merit.

May you be blessed in your work. I believe that we have little time left. Walk ever in peace and joy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer