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"Hello, Central!" Would It Be Wise To Attend A Class To Learn How To Tap Into My Own Akashic Readings?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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hich come from these journals. I have been seeking spiritual knowledge and understanding since the summer of 2005 due to circumstances in my life which I did not understand. It was through these difficult times that I decided to start searching for truth and understanding. I searched the internet for various sources of truth and came to your web site last fall. I had an akashic reading in March by someone who says they can get in touch with the ascended masters. I took this information with a grain of salt (so to speak) as it seemed pretty accurate and continued on my way with my spiritual journey. I get periodic emails from time to time but was intrigued with one that stated I could attend a class to learn how I could tap into my own Akashic readings. I am of course curious but yet cautious as I do not want to go down some path that will lead me astray from the truth. I was wondering if you could give me wisdom regarding this.

Thanks again Patrick and Anne for the work you are doing,

In love and kindness



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 9, 2007


Dear CH:

Thank you for your letter and your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

Every souled-being has the abiljjity to communicate with their God Spirit within through their thoughts. Your God Spirit knows all Truth and has access to your Akashic records. Through your God Spirit within you can connect to anyone in the Realms of Light all the way up the many dimensions, even to Creator Source.

You do not need to go to classes by some Guru and pay money for information that may prove worthless. Read Phoenix Journal #34 "Phone Home, E.T. for free information from none other than Creator God Aton/Hatonn himself on how to communicated through your thoughts. I have written an article to further explain this Journal entitled, "People of the Lie: Phone Home E.T." which is , also, posted on Fourwinds at:

You may not be given to know Akashic information until you have reached a certain level in your spiritual growth and have the wisdom to utilize such knowledge. Know that we can communicate with any Lighted Being through our thoughts and know the answer to any question, for we are all connected to the same energy grid. Just turn on the switch and "phone home".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer