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"Hello, Central!" The Masters Have Failed Us, And Your Wrong NESARA Information Has Caused Me To Lose Faith And Hope! (Updated August 28, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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here's no other hope for us than this NESARA, so I have been again reading your messages. But isn't it time to realize you keep putting out info that keeps proving to be wrong and now, everything that you said needed to happen, now needs to happen all over again? Out of maybe a hundred or so messages over the years, has anything ever come to pass that you said would?

Is this really the way to planetary enlightenment? Is this really the way Team ET and the masters do business? I know, I know, somebodys free will messed everything up, and they must start again for the hundreth time.

But even that argument seems shallow. When the heck does our free will count? For Germain to say the end justifies the means as he sometimes does (Someday you will look back and see all this as a bad dream or words to that effect), is not right. The ends don't always justify the means, and the hell we are being pulled through is outrageous, with no relief in sight. Sananda asks us to act in faith. I find when I do, I'm in deep trouble. Tons of 3d problems hit me with no solutions, because I had faith they would somehow be resolved, yet they weren't and now again I am facing big trouble.

That's not why I'm writing, its just an example to show what happens when we follow the masters words. And to try and follow and believe what you are saying is difficult. Germain has already said many times, things wont be distributed until AFTER an announcement. yet you are always talking about deliveries. And always writing about the reason they didn't happen like they were supposed to. It doesnt make sense. Is Germain talking out of the side of his mouth? Deliveries before, deliveries after, deliveries foiled again for the 50 th time, in spite of bold and grand pronouncements from Sananda particularly, that its all here, and its all going down, and they're in charge, and we've won, etc., etc.

Do they have no sense of responsiblity? They said they were here to help but all they do is help to deflate and frustrate everyone. They've taken over, but then they have to wait for the NESARA team. The same one I suppose that had to cancel an announcement last year due to someones wedding plans.

The ends, as wonderful as they sound, cannot makeup for any and every disaster that keeps hitting us.

Please remind them that its easy to talk like that sitting removed from all of this nastiness, but I've said it before and I still believe it; They do not really understand what is happening to us, or they would not have let it go on and on for all these years and still be dragging on with the same excuses. And when we try and ignore all the pain and see only goodness, the material world sneaks up from behind and knocks us over with the message, 'see what you get for having faith.......A swift kick in the ass and more grief."

How does one keep having faith in people who have let you down more times than we can count and have never actually done what they said they would, yet ask again and again to have faith in what they say?

And if you just want to write a reply that criticises me for having little faith or some other shortfall, you can please save your ink. I would be interested in a thoughtful reply, if there is one to be had. Although I realize all of my words your words and anybodys words mean NOTHING. We talk about this for our own personal reasons, but all of it has no bearing on reality and what is really happening. What more can a message say that hasnt already been said in one? Nothing....the only thing left is action. But that was already the case years ago, and here we are still looking for words to help to keep from coming unglued.

I'm losing hope in the kind of world we will create if we ever get the chance. I hope, if I ever become 'enlightened', that I am not as duplicitous as these masters and ET's seem to be with their messages and non-actions.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 26, 2006


Dear D:

Thank you for writing of your frustrations with me, NESARA, Germain and the other Masters, and with life in general. Sadly enough there are many others, who feel the way you do.

I have listened to your whining for many months, and I have told you that I am not a Guru, and that I cannot make things happen the way you want them to happen. I am only a messenger and report what I know to be true at any given moment in the NESARA saga. This whole process is being playing like a chess game, and each side makes a move until "checkmate" is finally reached.

You say the Lighted Masters have failed us. That is only you limited perception. Do you see every move and know every play in the game? Your claim that they are not involved in the game and that they do not care about the outcomes is totally false. By your own admission you have little faith and do not communicate with the Masters, but desire me to do so for you. Yet, you tell me to save my ink and not criticize you for having little faith. What do you wish me to say to you?

Obviously you lack discernment, for you base your thinking on some of the fake Germain and fake Sananda messages floating around on the Internet. If you build your house on a sandy beach, it shall surely fall when the Tsunami hits. If you have acted in blind faith without wisdom and had "tons of 3D problems" hit you, you should, as you say, have "a swift kick in the ass".

We are not here in this lifestream for fun and games but to learn our lessons in soul growth and to assist with Earth San and her people's transition into 5D. You are a Returned Master like everyone else, and you agreed to come back and help play this one last chess game with the Darkside---and win! Whiners don't win! Doubters don't win! I remember Esu Immanuel telling "doubting" Thomas, "Blessed are those, who have not seen and yet believe". I should know! I was there!

Tell me, my friend, what are the lessons you are to learn this time? Is it wisdom? Is it endurance? Is it how to communicate with the Realms of Light? Is it faith? That's a tough one! We are in the same place today as Noah was many years ago. For a hundred years he worked in the desert building his boat, as everyone made fun of him and ridiculed him and his family. Finally, the day came when all was finished. Noah took his family, went into the ark and God shut the door. The scoffers were left outside laughing and dancing in the sand.

Is not this where we are again in our day? The NESARA boat has been built, but who believes there will be any water to float it? Indeed, is NESARA Truth? George Bernard Shaw once said, "All great Truths begin as blasphemies!"

My friend, you have it backwards. You are waiting on the Masters to take action, while the whole world is waiting on you, and others like you, to take action. The Masters are not here to do it for us. They are here to help us, but they cannot help us save ourselves and our world unless we are willing to cooperate. Are you willing to get into the boat? Are you willing to believe enough in NESARA to use your thought-power to think that NESRA is possible? Whatever energy you create, either negative or positive, by Cosmic Law comes back to you. You must get off the fence and decide! Do you want NESARA or don't you? Then you must put your energy, your thought-power behind your decision to make it happen. It is that simple!

Cosmic Law is absolute! You will truly have whatever it is you truly want! What do you truly want? Create the energy to make it happen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:08 PM

Subject: Re: They said they were here to help but all they do is help to deflate and frustrate everyone.

Dear Patrick,

Thank you for the reply. Though I may not agree with everthing you say, I do appreciate you taking time to address my concerns. I know you are doing your best to say what you feel needs to be said, and I respect that.

Please know for the record, I have faith in the masters and others, and in NESARA to 'float". I ask you to tell the masters things, because in spite of my efforts, I don't reach anyone. And I write to you rather than someone else, because you have a website which puts this info out. If the things you say are true, they should be able stand up to questioning or even doubting by me or anyone else.

I do despair when I see things have gotten so mucked up to the point where nobody knows who's telling the truth and what's real or not real about the NESARA story. Many people believe the messages that come from Lauren and Jess, which do seem reasonable. Yet, they are in direct contrast to your messages. And I know you disbelieve Candace, and she says the same about you.

So basically, everyone has to 'take a side' and decide who's messages they will believe. Which then means, they must disbelieve the messages coming from others, which contradict things. It's almost like a campaign. "Vote for me, my messages are true"...."No, vote for ME, those messages are NOT true, but MINE are true" Of course, it's not said like that, but that is bascially the situation.

And whichever messages we don't 'believe', then it can be said we have no 'faith', at least according to one side's point of view. So, in addition to the wordly problems we face, in trying to find hope in NESARA, it turns out we must again, believe in someone, while for all intents and purposes saying another messenger is a liar. I have asked for help and for contact many times, but I guess I don't yet qualify for a conversation. I read the messages from all sides, and on any given day, any one may sound reasonable and believable. BUT, somebody, at least one person, is lying...intentionally or unintentionally, giving false information.

After having learned how to see through the illuminati treachery, now we must learn to see through the treachery of some of the message-givers. Often, I admit, don't know what to believe and I don't understand why the masters do not see fit to be sure we can at least get clear and legitmate info without having to guess and/or wonder if it's true or a lie.

Thank you again for your time and info.



----- Original Message -----

From: AW


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:31 PM



I read your latest "Hello Central" last night and frankly, I didn't like it. It came from a very sincere person who expressed himself very well. He was not rude but simply expressed frustration. I can tell you that his words reflected the frustration that all of us feel. I especially agreed with what he said about you giving these dates that never work out. You didn't always do this. You seem to have gotten into this in a big way just recently, and I'm wondering why; a lot of us are. In fact, a couple of years ago, Dove was in the habit of giving out information and at least implying that the announcement was going to happen soon and it never did. Several times you chided her about doing that and about the whole problem of constant hold up because the White Knights were not doing their jobs.

It is reaching the point where it's really hard to believe information coming from anyone. I myself was absolutely furious with that last message from Sananda. We still seem to be faced with the fact that "the powers that be"--Sananda, Germain, et al. seem much more concerned with dark beings coming back to the light than with the rapidly deteriorating condition of everyone else. To me, they have worked out a perfect excuse to see to it that this NEVER gets done. When people wonder what's going on, they can simply say that somebody's free will couldn't be usurped, and that this person decided not to do his job. This could go on forever. How ridiculous! I also get fed up hearing about clones. I think the last one mentioned was a high up treasury official. This too provides the means for never getting this done because every time some person who has a big part in moving things forward fails to do so, he can be taken out and s ent to the Hague, but then he's replaced with a clone (apparently there are tons of clone factories all over the place). This is just crazy, Patrick.

Another thing that irks me tremendously (and I wrote to Candace about this) is this New Agey, New Spirituality, Metaphysical explanation for conditions on this planet. It's always our fault--the fault of 3D humans. Well, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the reptilians and other aliens who've come to this planet for the purpose of enslaving mankind. They seem to have done a pretty good job. This explanation to me is the New Religion-New Spirituality equivalent to the "original sin" excuse that comes out of Christianity. That's another version of "it's mankind's fault". I have metaphysical contacts that have said that we've been tampered with genetically, and that our water was even messed up to take away our psychic powers. Loss of memory and psychic powers, economic servitude, sickness and disease--when you add this all up, how could anyone expect us to straighten things out. You yourself have said as much. In more th an one response to Candace, you said that the problems on this planet did not originate in 3D and, therefore, do not have 3D solutions. Something has got to give soon or we are all going to go crazy.

I also got a message last week from Richard Boylan in reponse to an e-mail request I made to him about possibly being interviewed on a local radio show here in Los Angeles. He's definitely up for the interview, and in his response to me, he also expressed the belief that NESARA is a long-standing internet hoax. Just thought I'd let you know what he thinks of NESARA because you posted a message from him to the Star Nations on

Oh, by the way, guess whose website I can't access--again!



----- Original Message -----

From: SP

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:21 PM

Subject: faith

Dear Patrick:

Regarding the person "D". I wish to make some observations you were too kind to say, This person talks of havtng his faith taken from him by the Masters. It is my belief that he/she never had the faith in the first place.

It is persons like this with the wimpy attitude that stop the working out of the Plan. No one gets something for nothing and in this case it is determination plus faith that finishes the course and wins the prize.

This doubter does not deserve a portion of that Prize that the rest of us have paid for with truth and knowledge.

Why charge the Masters or you even for what this one lacks. It is ridiculous, Continue with grace and knowledge for many are with you in this along with the Masters and Sky Brothers. We thank you and Anne for all your work both night and day,

Love and Peace---SP


----- Original Message -----

From: SP

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:46 PM

Subject: PS


To...D, I suggest if he desires wisdom that he repeat this mantra often.

"Faith is the Substance of things hoped for., the Evidence of things not seen" .

Not only is this the making of wisdom but it is the building block of Creation.



----- Original Message -----

From: D

To: SP

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:51 PM

Subject: D from Bellringers web site

Hello SP,

I am D from Bellringers web site and the recent messages. He sent me your email with your mantra. I was wondering where it's from and why you believe it has power?

Also please know that I sometimes write to Bellringer in kind of a good cop bad cop scenario to try and get him to expound on some of the things he writes. I'm not quite as lost as my emails may make it seem.




----- Original Message -----

From: SP

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:54 AM

Subject: Fw: D from Bellringers web site

----- Original Message -----

From: SP

To: D

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:51 AM

Subject: Re: D from Bellringers web site


Thank you for your interest in my suggested mantra: It comes from the "historical" King James version of the bible.. I am sure you know that most of that writing is written in error to keep us ignorant and small minded. But there are some places where Truth comes through to us today. My Spirit tells me this is Truth and why it is so.

I quote here----"Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the Evidence of things not seen".

I also say that this mantra, if understood .has the power to create.

It was in this way that the Creator,--All That Is,--first created all things. It was by and through Thought. That Thought then expanded into creation as we know it now.

We now ,centuries later, find that we are Co-creators and that it is still through Thought that we are able to do this. We were held down all these centuries not knowing we had this power or even Who we are.-

Co-crreators, yes, and a part of All That Is. Have you not noticed how that veil of ignorance is now lifted? On all sides truth is given to break the spell put upon us. There is an abundance of truth coming forth today and more yet to come-- much more.

It is my belief and feeling that faith is a Substance already in motion by our thought. The Evidence is that proof as it comes into the 3rd level earth mind. That is why it is so important what we think even in small ways. Such a simple thing as dwelling on possiblity of bodily illness can and will cause that to become so. and we become ill.

When we take that over into such a huge endeavor as Nesara and the opening of the Age of Peace we can either help that endeavor or join those who have the negative attitude. Rather than judge and question how and why Patrick gives forth his knowledge given to him, we might better go deep inside ourselves and there ask questions and wait for answers. This inside is that Portion of God or All That Is and will meet us if we ask. And yes it takes faith even for that because that small Voice can easily be hushed by doubt.

Since you have asked me regarding my mantra, I will give a bit from my experiemce of 86 years on this plain and in this particular body. I was brought up under the religious teachings of a former generation. There came a time in my midlife that I asked for Truth for myself. Needless to say I had a magical experience involving my entire being.,- body, soul and spirit. That began my teachings and my freedom. What I was given then telepathically so long ago, is now being given on all sides. But that prepared me to understand now what is coming forth.

Much was not understood by me then for it was all future. Now I am blessed with this information. All I was trying to do was share what I have found to be powerful----faith via Thought. If I offended you I am truly sorry, I did not mean to hurt you or anyone. I simply share at times and it can be accepted or deleted. OK?

I thank Patrick for passing along my post to you. I shall copy and send this, my answer, to him also. May you be blessed abundantly and know great Love and Joy as we move into a New Time.