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"Hello, Central!" Due To The Delays, Must I Die First To Meet My Space Family And Experience The Golden Age?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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is help and the E.T.'s help I am gradually beginning to feel more myself, but of course not perfect yet. I have greatly enjoyed your website as there is so much on it that sometimes I get a little befuddeled and am sincerely wondering when our Space Brothers and Sisters will be able to actually meet us all face to face on this earthplane without us having to die first. My most inspiring Galactic being is ASHTAR and I usually tune in to the teleconference every two weeks. Susan is the voice for Ashtar plus other Galactic Beings. I do hope that I will be fortunate enough too see this wonderful Golden Age that is supposed to come soon without having to die first. My life has not exactly been a bed of roses and I am always praying for a better life on this Earth without having to die first.


All For One

One For All


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 4, 2007


Dear CG:

Thank you for your letter. I would like to make two points in my response to you.

First, no one needs to die a physical death at this time, and no one decides for us when we will die. That is our freewill choice. We have the ability to heal ourselves with the help of the Angels and all the natural healing that Creator God has provided for us. So, we can live as long as we wish and leave when we wish to do so.

Secondly, we are at the "end of the Age". Mother Earth is about to start her cleansing in earnest, at which time evacuation by Starship will occur to take those to safety, who choose to board the ships. Those who have kept the Laws of God and Creation will graduate into fifth dimension (Heaven), and can return to Earth Shan, if they so choose, after her 3000 years of restoration.

My sister, in your physical body you are about to meet your sisters and brothers of the Stars. The Starships have been on Red Alert since last November, 2006. All the signs today show that Mother Earth is in the "Labor Room" and about to birth into fifth dimension.

Waiting for change is a problem for most of us. My father passed to the Astral Plane in 1977, but my mother waited for 30 more years for the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel. Her problem was that she was waiting for the fake "rapture" to the pink clouds somewhere. Finally, on March 13, 2007 she also passed to the Astral Plane at the age of 95.

Now, she is asking, "Where is Jesus?" He is not on the Astral Plane, the plane of transition or 4D, but he is in a much higher dimension. She could have waited longer and boarded the evacuation ships in her physical body, but she chose otherwise.

Now, her task is to judge herself before Creator God according to the Laws of God and Creation, and decide what lessons she has yet to learn in soul growth, and where she will go to learn them. We have all gone through this same process many times.

Please know that you are as healthy as you choose to be, and that you leave this 3D planet only when you choose to do so.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer