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"Hello, Central!" I Do Not Understand Those, Who Are Impatient

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ou realize your immortal self ...peace sets in and just be patient and wait. Your light shines constantly and deep down inside you know what you are here for. Be at peace all of you ... good things come to those of faith and have the patience. Do not embarrass yourself for your wants. Look inside and come to know why you are here...

love to all


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 23, 2007


Dear RP:

Impatience has its merits depending on the motive. Impatience can drive one to action. We can not become comfortable and complacent, as Lightworkers, and expect to get anything done. It is possible to have peace within and still become impatient at all the evil that abounds on our planet.

Impatience also comes from the knowing that we have been there and done that and learned our lessons in past lifestreams. Now we see others in those decision-making positions, and we know exactly what we would do, and we become impatient with those, who are fearful to take action, or those who cannot make wise choices.

We want goodness, now! This drives us to search for answers. This creates positive energy, and our desires and petitions increase the frequencies of Heaven that ultimately manifest in goodness in our world.

Patience has great merit, and I am known, as a man of patience, but guess what? I am also known, as a man of great impatience, that drives me to loudly ring the Bell of Freedom for our world and her people. Do you not become impatient with the Darkside?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer