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"Hello, Central!" What Do You Know About The Stand Down Orders Given For Friday, September 14, 2007?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ause of the anouncement scheduled for that day is why 9-11 took place. It didn't matter what I was being told. I knew why....Now the same scenario is coming forth again, scheduled stand down orders for Friday, there must be a reason. Please tell us that they won't be able to pull off another attack. We can't and won't continue to take this abuse, but what can we do to make it so they can't pull this crap all of the time? I keep reading that Wed, the 19th is the banking day of freedom, per say, as far as I'm concerned anyway, it is the start of freedom. I can guess that the Illuminati and banking know it all's don't want this day to come and will try anything to stop it. Please advise..




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 13, 2007


Dear SS:

Thank you for your letter and question. We are being told that the grounding of the U.S. Air Force on Friday, September 14, 2007 is for the purpose of doing a thorough investigation of the "mistake" recently of flying of six missiles with nuclear warheads aboard a B-152 from Minot, North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana.   It is reasonable to think that this "stand-down " action is a cover for some terrorist action against our people, given the history of lies and deceit of the U.S. Government and fake President Bush.

The "stand-down" on 9/11 was a cover to allow fake Vice President Cheney to carry out their evil plans to destroy the World Trade Center banking hub and Pentagon communications center to prevent the planned NESARA announcement on that morning. We know that the Bush/Clinton Cabal have fought these past many years to prevent NESARA and the banking change from taking place, and have plans for a second "false flag" terrorist attack against the United States this fall. This would be blamed upon Iranian terrorists and be used as the reason to then carry out their plans to decimate Iran.

I say most emphatically that this shall not happen! The United States Government signed an agreement with Global Family to end all war, but they have not kept that agreement. Therefore, now the Forces of Light have taken charge and are preventing any further terrorist attacks by this very evil government or any new wars such as planned against Iran. This is all about oil, power and control of the world, and this is no longer being allowed by Creator God.

The Bush/Clinton Cabal shall not be allowed to again stop the NESARA Announcement, which is soon to be made. You are right when you say, "we can't and won't continue to take this abuse". As Lightworkers we petition Creator God Aton and so order that this evil be completely, permanently and immediately stopped. So be it! It is done!

We do not walk in fear. We have the power to change the weather, and we have the power to stop war and acts of terrorism. The Light has won on Earth Shan, and now it is our task, as Bringers of the Light, to clean up these little skirmishes and remove the remaining Darkness on our planet. So, when we have a problem with darkness, we turn on the Light.

Let your Light shine, my sister, let your Light shine, and walk in faith!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer