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"Hello, Central!" What is the Message of the Book of Job in the Bible?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d the Bible (NKJ & NIV). My small group Bible study class is studing the book of Job and I am having so much trouble with the message they are trying to get from this book.

First I believe that GOD is not like the GOD they describe in this book of Job.

Second Satan in this book of Job talking to GOD. What I understand of the communication with God is all a connection of the heart (Love).

Who is the author of this Book of Job? When was this book written?

Why is the Book of Job in the Bible?

What can I tell this small Bible study group about this book of Job?

If there is a lesson in this Book of Job What is it?

I fell like I am the only one in this group that understands that God is Love and that God our Prime Creator has no need to test us or prove to any dark evil that their is people that believes in HIM, He has no reason to prove HIMSELF to anyone.

I would like to give a copy of your reply to this Bible study group, if you would like to add any other comments with your answers.

Thank you for the work you are doing and Thank you for giving so many Minds the truth about Prime Creation and the many parts of HIM like Heru, Christ Micheal, Sananda and many others.

All is one in HIM


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 23, 2006


Dear ES:

Thank you for your letter and your questions about the meaning of the Book of Job in the Bible. First, understand that the Old Testament God Jehovah is a God of wrath and vengeance, demanding and ordering people around to kill their neighbors, who are different from them and steal their land and possessions. People are ordered to make sacrificial offerings by killing and burning various animals to appease God Jehovah and assuage his wrath at their wrong doing. This is a God of fear and jealousy and anger.

When you understand that the God, who used Job to prove to Satan Job's faithfulness by testing him most harshly, is really God Jehovah Satan, his full name, then we have even greater difficulty understanding the "message" of the Book of Job. I believe that Job was anchored to Creator Source and to Creator God Aton of Light and Love, Creator of our Nebadon Universe, and not to some so-called God in this story.

Job lived the Laws of God and Creation, the Laws of Balance and was faithful to them. Never can you avoid the Cosmic Law of Returns, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect, which states that you reap what you sow. The energy that you create and send out, whether it is positive or negative, always is returned to you in like kind and in multiple amount.

Job was faithful to the Laws of God and Creation. These Laws are found in Phoenix Journal #27. Because of the positive energy Job created by so doing, positive energy was returned to him in the form of a beautiful family, and great possessions in sheep, camels, oxen, servants and fame and honor. As the story goes, all of these things were removed from Job to test his faithfulness to the Laws of God and Creation.

Job lost all of his possessions. His children were taken from him. His friends left him and even his wife told him to "curse God and die!" Yet, Job remained steadfast in his faith. Most of the story is discourse and dialogue, as Job is challenged by his friends, and as Job works through his emotions and reactions to his plight. In the end, because Job continued to generate positive energy, that positive energy was returned to him in multiple amount. He was blessed again with children and twice what he had originally in possessions.

Does this mean that the same will happen to us? Not necessarily! We will reap what we sow in energy, but it may not be in the form of material possessions. Know that, if you sow negativity such as fear, hate, anger, jealousy and revenge, you will reap the same energy but in greater amount, but if you sow positive energy of love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion you will have these returned to you again in grater amount.

The four great virtues are wisdom, courage, fortitude and generosity. Job demonstrated these traits and showed that his inner connections to the Realms of Light allowed him to tap into the unlimited resources available to him. We, too, have all the help of Heaven, if we but ask.

The message of Job is to understand who truly was Job's God, that anchored him in his "testing" by the Darkside, and to understand the Cosmic Law of Returns, that of Cause and Effect. We shall always reap what we sow, and always in greater amount.

I honor you in your search for Truth. Because of its twisted message and even lies, the Bible is most difficult to study and discern Truth. Creator God Aton has called the Bible, "Satan's War Book", which Satan has used to great advantage these past 2000 years. In the compilation and canonization of the Bible, as far back in history as the Council of Nicea of 325 AD, much Truth was discarded by the religious leaders of that day. Since then there have been hundred of translations, revisions and interpretations of the original writings to "create" what we now have in our day as The Holy Bible.

Please consider that Truth is found in many places and writings and messages, and not just within the pages of our present Bible. The God of the Old Testament is a God of Fear, whereas the God of the New Testament is a God of Love. To not be fooled by what is presented to us as Truth, we must learn to go within and ask our God Spirit what is Truth and what is lie, for our God Spirit within knows all.

As with Job, may you be greatly blessed for being faithful to the Laws of God and Creation. Only therein will you find true happiness, for these Laws were given to us for the balance and harmony of all there Is.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer