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"Hello, Central!" If Someone Passes Over Now, Will They Still Be Able To Participate In The Ascension?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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asters have to say about people who pass over. If someone passes over now will they be able to still participate in the ascension? Or is ascension only for the living? Will we be able to see those who pass over when we ascend? Can we also release years of karma now?

Thank you for the messages you bring. Hope to hear from you soon.

May the light help you on your path.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 9, 2006


Dear MS:

Thank you for your letter. Those who die a physical death in 3D, their soul, the real you, goes to 4D or the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is a transition dimension made up of a miriad of frequency levels ranging from 3D to 5D. You go to the frequency level that matches your frequency that you have achieved through your lessons in soul growth in your 3D incarnations.

You usually stay on the Astral Plane about the same length of time you spent in your last lifestream in 3D, while you sort things out. You will stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation. God does not judge you! You judge yourself and determine what lessons in soul growth you have yet to learn and where you will go and what you will do to learn them.

If your frequencies and lessons learned allow you to move higher than 4D you will ascend to 5D, and when Earth Shan reaches 5D and the Golden Age is established, you could return to live in 5D on Earth Shan along with your friends and relatives, who did not die a physical death on Earth Shan, but went through ascension to 5D along with the planet.

Many, who die a physical death, are not ready to go to 5D but will go on to another 3D lifestream to continue with their soul growth lessons. It may take many such lifestreams for them to finally raise their frequencies to the 5D level. Please understand that 5D or fifth dimension is also known as Heaven, where no evil is allowed, but where freewill still exists.

You may not see those, who have already passed to the Astral Plane, when you ascend to 5D, because you will be on a higher dimension. You asked about karma. We are living in a special time of preparation for our planet and her people, if they are ready and so choose, to ascend to the fifth dimension. All karma of those who ascend to 5D must be either resolved or removed in some fashion, for we take no karma into 5D.

Many people are experiencing karmic resolution at this time in many trying and traumatic ways. Creator God Aton has said that because of this special time, no one needs to go through the experiences of karmic resolution but can simply ask that it be removed by the Angels of Light. We must ask in sincerity that all past, present and future karma be removed forever from us by our Guardian Angels and Guides.

Then we must believe that this is done, and it shall be. We can walk free in the newness of life, to follow the Laws of God and Creation and complete our mission of assisting in the transition of our planet and her people. As Lightworkers, we need not be encumbered with the baggage of karma, if we so desire. When we are free of karma, or the consequences of our past, we can focus fully on our mission at hand. I should add that there are those, who will not be free of karma by its removal, because they have a soul contract to experience certain things at this time for their soul lessons.

My friend, you have asked some very wise questions. May you truly find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer