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"Hello, Central!" Questions About Evacuation and Going From 3D to 5D

Patrick H. Bellringer

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truth about 911 or anything else that is going on). It was my understanding that this would be the 5D, and all the evil ones including Bush and his gang would be sent to the hell planet. We were also told that after evacuation we would meet our families and know each other and raise our children (for those who have babies and young children) like Princess Dianna and her husband and their two sons, the your couples would be able to have children and raise them in the 5D. We know GOD's will, will be done, we have been taught this all our lives. That is not the problem. Now we are being told that a baby can be separated from their parents for 350,000 years who are in the 3D. If people knew the truth about what is going on more people would be ready for the 5D. People need to be told the truth about 911, Bush and his gang and what they are doing. Why can't the truth be told so people can make better decisions that will take them to the 5D. We have prayed, believed, had faith and done everything we know to do to get Nesara announced and the Prosperity funds delivered. Please tell us what more can we do. This question has been asked before and we were told to "just wait and let the others take care if it".

Bank of America - We have been told that they are bad, then we are told that The PTO - Pure Trust Organization - is OK and we can trust them. But they are part of Bank of America. Check out or call Art Groveman, at 941-322-2408 est. Perelandra International Funding. What do you know about these people?

Why is it that evil people always seem to come out on top. They take and take and people believe that they are good Christians, while the real Christians work and slave and do everything they can to help other people and can not seem to get anywhere.

Thank you for all you do and GOD bless you both. PS - Is it not possible for a person to leave this earth and go to the 3D and then go to the 5D in less time? They may learn faster after they know the truth about a lot of things. But then we were told that we would not remember things on this earth. Yes I agree with others, this is very confusing.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2007


Dear WC:

Thank you for your letter. No one graduates in soul growth from 3D into 5D until they have learned their lessons and have passed every test. Nothing is automatic, and no one skips any grades in their progress of soul growth.

Some guru's have said that everyone on Earth Shan at this time will go with her into 5D. This is not true. Just because you have requested that your family and friends be picked up by the evacuation starships and taken to safety, does not mean that they will be automatically going to the fifth dimension. Many (and even children) will be going on to other 3D lifestreams to continue their lessons.

The lessons to be learned, where they will be learned and how long it will take to go from 3D to 5D is determined by Creator God and the person involved in the learning. Any learning of Truth here and now will advance one's soul growth, and even taking the step of faith to board the ships to safety is counted toward one's soul growth.

Creator God Aton has said that there is no excuse for anyone not knowing the Truth. Everyone has been given ample opportunity to awaken, and everyone has a freewill to choose what they will do, and at a soul level, everyone has already chosen their next pathway. This does not mean that all is set in stone. At any time anyone may alter their choices. This is why we continue to "hammer" people with the Truth. Just maybe they will awaken!

You spoke of a baby being separated from its parents for 350,000 years, while the parents spend that time in further 3D experiences. The soul of that baby chose to incarnate in 3D at this time, knowing full well what lie ahead. That soul will go on to its own lessons in another lifestream, according to its contract with Creator God.

What more can we do to bring closure to NESARA? Our task is to hold the Light! We use our positive thought-power to defeat the darkness by neutralizing their negativity. "Our faith can move mountains!" "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing". For too long this has been the case, but the tide is now turning, and the end of the "Dark Ages" on Earth Shan is here.

Do not lose hope, my sister, for these times bring great lessons in patience, endurance and wisdom. I know nothing about PTO, PIF or Groveman.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer