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"Hello, Central!" The Earth Axis Tilt Article Posted On Fourwinds Is A Hoax! (Updated August 23, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Northern Hemishere, corresponding to the winter Solstice here in Australia, which is in the Southern Hemishere, for the benefit of those whose knowledge of geography is lacking. I can confirm that on June 21st this year the angle of the sun in the sky on this day was exactly the same as it was last year, the year before, and the year before that.

How do I know? - two reasons, firstly, I have an unmoveable marker in my garden showing the EXACT angle of the sun at 12.20pm on that day, which at latitude 32 degrees South, 115 degrees East (where I live) is the highest point in the sky that the sun will reach at the mid-winter Solstice. I also have markers for September 21, which is the Equinox, and December 21 - our summer Solstice. Yesterday, August 21, the suns angle at the above time was precisely two thirds of the distance between the winter Solstice and the Equinox - which is precisely what you would expect for that date.

Secondly, if the angle of the axis tilt was a further 26 degrees to the north on June 21, as this article suggests, the hours of darkness here in Australia would be drastically lengthened, but the sun still rose at its usual 7.17 am, and set at its usual 5.19pm for that day, not to mention that it would have had to be at a much more oblique angle (ie lower) in the sky than usual - which, as I point out above, it wasn't.

So whoever posted the Axis tilt article - probably the same hoaxster who, about 3 years ago, said the moon was now much closer to the earth, I say GET REAL. Whilst I agree there have been drastic weather changes, exceptional volcanic and earthquake activity over the last few years, of one thing I am certain - there has been NO twenty-six degree additional axis tilt. Additional proof - was the sun vertically overhead at 49.5 degrees N on June 21, approximately the latitude of Vancouver, Paris, Prague, etc? No, it wasn't. As the legal buffs say - I rest my case.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 21, 2007


Dear DC:

Thank you for your observations and data refuting the recent article we posted on Fourwinds concerning the tilt of the earth's axis to 49.5 degrees. We have known of this increasing tilt for many months, and we have asked the Lighted Realms many questions concerning it.

You may think that Bellringer has lost it totally, but here goes. I believe that your observations in Australia of the earth's tilt being normal are true, and I also believe the scientific data present in this article of the earth's tilt now standing at 49.5 degrees at the time of writing the article is also true.

How do I justify and reconcile these two opposing concepts? It is really quite simple, if you are in tune with the higher dimensions. Our Star Friends are here and can make everything appear quite normal to us in 3D, even though everything is really an illusion. An example of creating the "normal" illusion are the stars in the night sky.

Since at least 1995 our solar system has been moving closer to the Pleiades star system in preparation for our planet going into 5D. This movement in the Cosmos has changed how our stars appear in the night sky, yet all appears as normal. Why? The answer is that Starships have taken the position of the various constellations and appear to most people as stars, so all looks normal.

My information is that our earth has reached a tilt presently of slightly more than 51 degrees, and that the tipping point of our planet is about 55 degrees from vertical. At the present rate of tilting Mother Earth should reach the 55 degree point sometime in September, 2007, unless the energies change to delay it by a few weeks.

What you are seeing in Australia is the 3D illusion seen everywhere on the planet, that all is normal, just as the night sky still appears "normal".

An illusion can easily be changed to appear as a different illusion, when one understands and knows how to use the qualities and properties of Light. All that has ever been created by Creator God or by Creator Source has been created from Light by thought. All is a form of Light. Our finite 3D brains have a problem with such concepts.

Our planet is tipping on her axis beyond the "normal" declination of 23.5 degrees, even though scientists claim otherwise. Truth can be stranger than fiction, especially when we live in a world of illusion. Go within, my friend, and confirm your yourself what is Truth and what is Lie. That is the beginning of wisdom.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: PD

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:57 PM

Subject: Hello Central! Could You Explain Your Perception Of What The Pole Shift Will Entail??!!

Dear Patrick,

Since the pole shift possibly could be as soon as September 2007 - next month- would you describe what all that will entail? It is not good to be in fear, and I believe most of us can put more positive energy into something we understand more completely. There is SO MUCH speculation going around, that confusion seems to be the name of the game regarding this global happening. Earth Shan is ramping up the volcanoes, earthquakes, and other geological phenomena at an ever- quickening pace, as well as the less seen and felt electromagnetic changes. I can see that Mother Nature is askew too - my hummingbirds are starting to leave over a month early, many plants are flowering out of their normal timing, leaves are dropping from trees much earlier than normal,....... etc., etc. What will happen to all the precious plant and animal life, some/most of which, I assume, is unique to Earth Shan?? What are the most productive things We can be doing now, and what is the most enLIGHTened course of action when the pole shift actually ensues?

Many thanks for easing Our minds on this quite misunderstood and very important topic!

In Love & Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 23, 2007


Dear Pam Dalton:

Thank you for your letter. I believe I have answered your questions in a previous "Hello, Central!" that I have written entitled, Hello, Central! Questions Concerning Evacuation of Earth Shan Due to a Physical Polar Shift, found at, and, also, People of the Light, Plan B "Evacuation" found at: Hatonn has, also, given us much information in Phoenix Journal #5, From Here to Armageddon. See Chapter 5.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


"Hello, Central!" Questions Concerning Evacuation of Earth Shan Due To A Physical Polar Shift

BY: Patrick H. Bellringer | Visit Author's Website:

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November 21, 2006

Many of Fourwinds readers are asking various questions about "Lift-off", should an evacuation of our planet become necessary in the near future. Herein I shall attempt to provide some answers.

1. How does one get on the "Light List"?

I assume by "Light List" you are asking to be included among those people whose names are recorded in the Ashtar computer for automatic pick-up during the first fifteen minutes of the Lift-off process. These include all children up to the age of "accountability" or knowing right from wrong, and Truthbringers and any enlightened ones, who have made such a request.

It is a matter of desire and intent of the heart. Simply ask Creator God Aton, Esu Immanuel Sananda, any of the Ascended Masters or your Guardian Angels to place your name on the "automatic pick-up list", and believe that it is so. Should the need arise, you will be instantly beamed aboard a starship to safety without having to step into the blue-white tractor beam/levitation beam.

2. How will we know that we are being transported to a friendly Starship and not to a Darkside imposter Starship?

Starships from more than two hundred Star Nations

are here at this time. They have brought the "Hosts of Heaven", our Star Friends, who have come from the fifth and higher dimensions, where no evil is allowed. None of these Starships are imposters. The only evil to be found in our solar system at this time is on Earth Shan. More than a year ago all Darkside aliens and their ships were removed permanently from our solar system, and all 3D Starships of the governments of Earth Shan being used for evil intent were permanently dismantled. Had evacuation of our planet occurred in the early 1990's due to a world-wide nuclear war, imposter ships would have been a problem. That is no longer the case.

3. If we have mass evacuation of our planet soon, what happens to First Contact and the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda---and the "rapture"?

These events are all combined into one great exciting event in the evacuation process. You will meet our Star Friends, the Ascended Masters, Sananda and Hatonn/Aton and other great Beings of Light aboard the Starships. This will be First Contact and the Second Coming all in one.

The "rapture" will not have the outcome that the Christian cult has taught for many years. It is true that you will be picked up by Starship, if you so choose, and be taken off Earth Shan. Your destination will be fifth dimension or Heaven, only if you have graduated to that level in your soul growth. You will go to the dimension that matches your frequencies. The same is true for those, who choose not to go aboard and perish in the massive earth changes on Earth Shan. Their soul will go to the dimension that matches their frequencies.

Some of those, who go through Lift-off will die, because their physical body frequencies are so much lower than the frequencies of the beam of Light. Their soul (the real you) will be given another body and that person will be taken to his proper frequency placement to continue on with soul growth lessons. That placement has already been agreed upon at a soul level by that one and Creator God. This is also true for every souled being presently on Earth Shan.

4. What if some of those, who remain behind at evacuation time, survive the earth changes? What will be their roles when everyone returns to Earth Shan?

One must understand that Earth Shan is entering the fifth dimension and no one of lower frequencies will be allowed to enter the "New Earth". Those who return will be of 5D and higher. Only those of low frequencies would refuse Lift-off. Should they survive the earth changes, they would die a physical death prior to the end of the 3000 year period of rejuvenation required to return Earth Shan to her original pristine condition.

It is possible for some people, who are highly enlightened to have a soul contract with Creator God Aton to remain on Earth Shan during her transition into 5D. They would be protected and assisted by the Angels to do such a mission.

5. One half of our planet will be in darkness during evacuation. Can the Star People awaken everyone and get the job done in fifteen minutes?

The millions of Starships that are here will turn the night into day with their higher frequencies and their levitation beams. Everyone will instantly "know" through telepathy what to do.

6. Do we take time to dress, take pictures, money, insurance policies, house deeds, clothes, jewelry, etc. with us to the Starships?

The answer is a big "No!" You will need none of your 3D junk! All that you need shall be provided for you. If you are in the shower, you will not arrive aboard ship naked. You will be fully clothed, instantly. Creator God Created you. Do you not think He can get you off this planet in good shape?

7. Might a levitation beam appear inside a person's home or work location, so that it will not be necessary for one to run outside?

Yes, of course! The blue-white beam of Light will appear very near, if you are not on automatic Lift-off. It shall move over you, if you are unable to move, such as an invalid. Then you will be told to decide to go or stay. It is all very simple. It is important to remain calm, because fear or anxiety will lower your frequencies. Happiness and joy will raise your frequencies to more closely match the frequencies of the levitation beam and reduce the possibility of physical damage.

8. Once we board the Starships, what will happen after that? Where will we end up?

Medical teams will be standing by to assist anyone, who may have suffered physical problems from moving through the beam of Light with low frequencies. You will be re-united with your children, other family members and friends, who were picked up by other Starships. Those, who you requested Creator God Aton to have picked up without their knowledge, will decide to either stay aboard ship or be put back on the surface of Planet Earth. Yes, you can request Creator God to have your family members and friends picked up without their knowledge. They can then decide aboard ship what they will do.

At some point everyone will proceed on to the frequency and dimension level that matches their vibrations to continue with their lessons in soul growth. Those, who go to 5D, will have the opportunity to return to Earth Shan, when she has been restored to her original pristine condition.

The period of restoration will be three thousand years long in 3D years. There is no time in 5D, so one day can be a thousand years of 3D time or vice versa. You may spend three days meeting family and friends, taking a trip through the Cosmos and having a bit of rest and relaxation with a glass of Liquid Light, when an Angel will tap you on your shoulder and ask, if you are ready to return to a pristine Mother Earth. In 5D it can be that fast!

There must be a minimum of 144,000 Lighted Beings of at least 5D level and higher, who return to Earth Shan as the "seed people" to start a new civilization again. They will have full memory and be able to create by thought. They will create crystal cities and homes and gardens in complete balance and harmony with Mother Earth, and they will fully obey the Laws of God and Creation in the new "Heaven on Earth".

9. Will there be any interference of Lift-off by the Darkside with their laser and particle beam technology or missiles or nuclear weapons or troops on the ground?

No interference will be allowed and all weapons will be instantly and permanently neutralized by the Forces of Light. The Warrior Angels lead by Archangel Michael with their Starships will be standing by on full alert to prevent any interruption whatsoever by the Darkside. The Starships will not be close to the Earth's surface to avoid harm from volcanic and tsunami activity. They may be as far away as Mars and still beam people aboard.

10. What happens to our pets? Should I have my kitty in a pet carrier?

Your pets along with all animals and all plants will be removed from our planet when the physical polar shift occurs. They will be transported to other planets for safe-keeping until such time that they are returned to Earth Shan. You pets will be instantly removed along with the children, and they will be re-united with you aboard the Ships, as the children are re-united with their families. Be not concerned for your children or your pets. They are on automatic Lift-off and the Star People are well trained in the procedure, for they have done it many times. You have, too, in past lifestreams, but you do not remember.

11. What about those, who are sleeping and will be confused by the sudden event, or those, who are in doubt and will need more than fifteen minutes to decide what to do?

Everyone has already decided at a soul level whether they will stay or go at evacuation time. The Forces of Light will awaken them and everyone will instantly know what they have decided to do, and will instantly respond without any hesitation. There may be some anxiety or even fear, but that is to be expected. Just know that you are going on a very enjoyable trip to safety to a very pleasant place. Remain calm and at peace, knowing all is well.

Again Creator God Aton has told us that Mother Earth is at her birthing time. When she rolls over, instant evacuation will be necessary for our safety. Our task is to be ready, to be calm and to be at peace. "Beam me up, Scotty"! Aho!



BY: Patrick H. Bellringer | Visit Author's Website:

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November 17, 2006


By Patrick H. Bellringer

April 21, 2006

Creator God Aton is urging me at this time to give you instructions concerning lift-off by Starship from Earth Shan, should that need arise. Mother Earth is weary and has reached the point of complete exhaustion in her waiting for the 3D NESARA Mission Decision Team to choose to announce NESARA to the waiting world. She has waited long for the stolen money to be delivered to the people, but with no results. We have arrived at that final moment of decision to either go with Plan A, where we act decisively to help our Star Friends restore balance and harmony to our planet, or Plan B, when Mother Earth does her own restoration through immediate major earth changes.

Plan B would probably begin with a physical polar shift. A flipping of the physical north and south poles would occur by Mother Earth simply rolling over. The reaction would be similar to suddenly jerking hard on a pan full of water. The oceans would rush over the continents with a wave of water five miles high. I am not joking! Hatonn/Aton has written much about this in the Phoenix Journals.

Such a catastrophic event would require immediate lift-off by Starship to rescue the people. Yes, preparations have been made for this. Creator God Aton knows everyone’s soul intent, and the Ashtar computer system has locked on to everyone who has decided to be lifted off in such a situation. It will take fifteen minutes to pick up these people worldwide. The remaining people will be given one last chance to be lifted off as well. Another fifteen minutes will be needed to complete this second phase of lift-off. After that there will be no more time for rescue, as worldwide devastation will occur rapidly.

All children under the age of accountability, the point of knowing right from wrong, usually age 5 to 6, will be automatically picked up. Those children who are older will need to choose what they will do. Also, your pets will be "beamed" aboard automatically.

I urge you to not be fearful, and follow these simple instructions. A beam of light from a Starship will appear near you, wherever you are. You will be instructed through your thoughts to step into the beam of light to be "beamed" aboard ship. Simply step into the light and stand quietly without fear. Having peace within will raise your frequencies so you will have little or no physical harm resulting from being beamed aboard ship. Those in indecision, who choose at the last moment to board ship, may have lower frequencies and, thus, may have some physical problems resulting. Do not worry about that, for there will be medical teams standing by to assist your every need when you arrive aboard ship.

Should you have any doubt as to the identity of the Starship offering to beam you aboard to safety, simply ask, "Are you of the Light?" Because of our freewill, by Cosmic Law they must identify themselves when asked. If they are not of the Light, order them gone immediately, and they must comply. There is little chance of any Darkside interference during such an evacuation of our planet, but it could happen.

You may make a personal request to Creator God Aton for your family and friends to be picked up and taken aboard as well. Once aboard they will be told what is happening and will be given a choice to stay aboard or to be put back on the planet’s surface. To make such a request simply through your thoughts tell God Aton what you desire, and it will be so.

Mother Earth is having birthing pains. Once labor begins there is no stopping the birthing process. You may laugh and say that Bellringer is totally crazy. You may think that lift-off by Starship at this time is complete nonsense. My friends, I am dead serious! The possibility of major earth changes at this time are very real.

As you will recall, history records that the people laughed and scoffed at Noah and his silly boat in the desert at the time of the Great Flood, but they were wrong. I should know, for I was there. Don’t you be wrong today! I am a "bellringer" and I am frantically ringing my bell for you to wake up to what is happening to our planet! I urge you to prepare your heart now for the coming changes. Have no fear! Be in peace!

Should Plan B materialize and a beam of light appear before us, let us say with joy, "Beam me up, Scotty!" :)



----- Original Message -----

From: YJ

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 2:54 PM

Subject: Re: Question Please.......


I just read the article (regarding the axis tilt being a hoax) and I wish to add my observations this past winter.

I live in a rural section of Maine (the western foothills to be exact with no street lights, etc) and my livingroom window faces west. Every day I watch the sun set on the horizon. I have lived here 14 years and 'study' the evening sky because I enjoy the "nighttime activity" ( I see starships "rise" as stars and watch them "set" a few hours later).

I don't know how to explain this clearer, so bear with my feeble attempt.

Placing a 12 inch wooden ruler on a desk in front of you, allow inch #1 to represent south, inch #12 represents north, inch #6 represents west.

The sun in the summer has always set at approximately inch # 10to10 and a half by mid August.

It begins working its way back towards setting at inch #6 by the fall, and maybe it will move towards inch #5 and a half during the winter months.

This past winter I noticed a great phenomena: the sun was setting at approximately inch #3 to 3 and a half! It has NEVER set over that far since I have lived here, and it did it for over a month!

A few bushes and trees started loosing color (yellow) up here back in late June. I kept my mouth closed because people always make fun of living so far north in Maine; but even for this area, it was unusual. A certain type of grass fungus that I normally don't see until September showed up over a month ago!

We have had more than our share of night temperatures lowering down into the mid-forties and I have had to put heat on to take the chill out of the house. This has been going on for the past 3 weeks.

Grass growth has slowed down incredibly. This usually does not happen until mid-late September. I noticed this for about a month now.

So........ something is definitely happening. Even the "fake stars" have changed position and/or not showing up at all lately.

It has been very easy for me to ponder how "in the dark" we are on this planet. On nights when the moon is in its "new" phase and we don't have moonlight, it is extremely dark unless the stars are out; and on nights when it is cloudy and there is no light at all in the sky, anything can "happen." We can be moved to an entirely new location in the universe and we would not know it.... how could we tell..

I think its great... there is so much we don't know, or aren't allowed to become aware of. It's a great adventure!!

Love and Harmony,



----- Original Message -----

From: JB


Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:42 PM

Subject: Earth's Axis Tilt Has Recently Increased by An Additional 26 Degrees


Using the published latitude of Dallas, 32.8 deg north, the computed angle from due west for sunset on 6/21 is 28.3 deg. This is so close to the reported 26 deg that I'd say it's within experimental error.

Here are the calculations:

Spherical triangle with zenith to pole star: a= 90 - 32.8 deg; zenth to setting sun b = 90 deg; pole star to sun on 6/21 c = 90 - 23.5 deg. Use law of cosines to solve for angle from north: ArcCos[(Cos(c) - Cos(a)Cos(b)) / (Sin(a)Sin(b))] = 61.7 deg. Complement is 28.3 deg.




----- Original Message -----

From: FF


Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:03 PM

Subject: Earth's Axial Tilt, Tipping Point and Nesara

Dear Patrick,

Can you explain the relationship between the Earth's tipping point (55 degrees) coming next month and Nesara? I am confused because I don't understand what is to be expected when the tipping point is reached. If our unusual weather is already pretty fierce, won't it just get worse as the Earth tips more?

In relation to Nesara, I'm wondering how all the electronic banking, etc., can still be done if we lose satellite communications at the tipping point, if that will be part of what happens then.

I did want to comment that for sure the sun it sitting further north. Never have I had direct sun rays coming in my north windows, but I did this year.

Thanks for all your helpful information and guidance,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 23, 2007


Dear FF:

Yes, you can expect the weather patterns to become more erratic, and earthquakes and volcanic activity to become more frequent and more intense, in our future. If we are at Mother Earth's tipping pint and lose satellite communications which upsets the electronic banking system, I believe we shall not be concerned in the least bit about our money, Farm Claims or Prosperity Program funds. We can't take it with us, and we won't need money in 5D, and on another 3D planet with dinosaurs it would be useless.

For this time of year the sun is setting farther north than is usual. You have been paying attention. We are at the close of the age.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: JM

To: "Patrick H. Bellringer"

Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 1:16 PM

Subject: Mother Earth's Tilt Angle

Dear Patrick and Anne ---

This is a quick question regarding your reply to DC in Australia about the earth's tilt angle.

You used the term "tipping point" being about 55 degrees from vertical. By "tipping point", do you mean the angle at which the earth will just give up and suddenly do a complete pole flip which would necessitate our evacuation by the Forces? Or does it mean something else?

Blessings and Light to you all.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 23, 2007


Dear JM:

Yes, Earth Shan would do a physical pole flip, but not necessarily ending up with the poles in the opposite position to where they are now.

This would necessitate our evacuation by the Starships for our safety. The ships are on Red Alert, ready to act at a moment's notice. The signs suggest that the time is short for major earth changes to arrive. These are exciting times.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DC

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:58 PM

Subject: RE: Axis tilt

Dear Patrick,

OK, I accept what you say about everything being illusion in this 3D world we live in, ie nothing is as it may at first appear.

My question then is what is so special about the 55 degree angle of tilt from the vertical? If you position a ball in a pool of water it tips over at slightly over 45 degrees - less than 45 degrees of tilt it holds to the upright. Is the world going to tilt to the point where the Poles will become the Equator and vice versa, as a result of this continuing increase in the angle of tilt? If so, for what purpose is this occuring? - is it part of the 5D Ascension process whereby Earth Shan is cleansing herself of humanity's pollution and poisoning of her surface?

September 9th and September 19th appear to be two dates coming soon that may have huge significance. Do you have any comment on these dates?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: David Cotesworth

DATE: August 22, 2007


Dear David Cotesworth:

You are assuming that a ball in a pool of water is an accurate simulation of our earth. It is not. Our earth is not totally spherical but bulges at the equator. It has unequal weighting due to varying densities of the crust and the oceans. It has the moon's gravitation pull which creates the tides of our oceans. There has been great unnatural displacement of weight due to our removal of oil, minerals etc. from her surface and the displacement of soil and sand by wind and water erosion. We have built great dams in some places and sucked the water from the ground and drastically lowered the ground water table in other places. Displacement of the water alone has created great pressures on Earth's crust and causes a "weighting" problem.

The magma under the earth's crust flows and alters the planet's weight distribution. The iron magma affects the electro-magnetic forces and "pull" from other planets. Consequently, these many forces affect the "spin" of our planet on her axis. This spin has been slowing for a long while, and like a spinning toy top that slows in its speed and begins to wobble prior to tipping over, our planet is now wobbling badly. This is why the position of our sun on the horizon, as it rises and sets, may vary abnormally from day to day.

At some point our spinning planet will become so unstable in its spin, that it will tip over. Where the north and south poles end up is anyone's guess. This has happened many times in our earth's history, and the poles do not end up in an opposite position.

This is all part of the natural cleansing cycle of our planet in 3D, but this time Mother Earth will transition into 5D, and will never again have to go through a cleansing process to remove toxins, pollution and negative energy.

I see no special significance in the dates of September 9 and 19, other then the new Global Gold Banking system is scheduled to go on-line on September 19, 2007.

Please understand that no one knows when the need for evacuation of our planet will occur. I said that based on the present rate of tipping, Earth Shan would reach the tipping point in September, 2007, but there are many factors and energy changes that may affect that historical occasion.

Our mission is to hold the positive energy steady, spread Truth and be ready for the exciting times that lie ahead.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer