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"Hello, Central!" I Tire Greatly. I Feel That I Am Failing!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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able to read/feel and observe has been of great value to me and my family. We never tire of it is the sustenance of the soul and the fuel of true change. Only through it's triggers and activations may one find the ageless wisdom that lies within all of and your wife have made it available to many and I thank you.

I find it part of my highest being's greatest desire to send my personal best energy outwards to the darkest places on our dear planet...most often I do not feel nor see the results or do I expect to-it simply MUST be done! I do not even know the why of it...I just do what I feel called to do in the name of All That Is. Some times there are people that are the subject of the needed energy....other times it is the place and possibly another time that I must send this to. Some may find it even that this is done this way. I feel what must be on a level beyond my understanding on THIS just is what must be and my full understanding may come in time.

I tire sir...I tire greatly and do not know where the strength has come from to get this far and even less do I understand where it will come from in the linear future. I tire so...I feel that I am failing and that I am diminished to the point that continuing this pouring of energy will end my usefulness and maybe even my physical life....and every day I get up, go to work, come home, and do it all again. If there is a point where one cannot continue...I feel I am VERY near to it. I should not ask for results that one may measure...but I tire so.

I ask nothing from you, sir. I want for another being of my inner family in physical form to hear my words and feel what I feel. If I am to fade away without seeing whatever was to be the results of my be it. There is only so much one being can do from here I think....I hope I have been of service. My physical health is deteriorating and my ability to continue my daily work for sustenance is also fading swiftly. Again I ask nothing seeing as I chose to come here to do this work and feel grateful for having the chance to do so...I am no victim. I want to see and know that I have had some (even minor) effect upon the world I love so much. Violence abounds, hate fills the people, and war is ever present. Everywhere there are signs that I have failed to be strong enough...especially within my own home. I tire so.

Just by reading the words somehow perhaps you have been there for me again. If there is a "loan of the soul" in energy terms...listening has been your gift and I thank you. Your family has and will continue to be in my prayers for as long as I am here. May we all find the way to the truth and light of God...and the energy to follow the Divine Plan.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 1, 2007


Dear TW:

Thank you for your long letter, my friend. You tire because you are discharging your battery without charging it back up again. You cannot expect to keep giving without receiving.

Take a break! You are never given more then you can carry. Also, know that you have all the help that Heaven allows, but you have to ask for it.

We are to be conduits through which the energy flows from Creator God to His needy people. Yes, Lightworkers become exhausted, but then they need to be renewed.

(Isaiah 40:30)"They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, that shall walk and not faint".

(Phoenix Journal 34, p. 8-10  - excerpts)

"We are the mighty men, marching down the stairs connecting the very stars...the mighty men go forth... you have a calling... you have a high mission... I will sustain about your Father's business...please take my hand and come with me--for I am also about my Father's business."

Hang in there my friend. It is not your job to change the whole world all by yourself. The world and your family are no different. All you can do is to present Truth, and what they do with it is their choice. It is not your problem, if they reject the Truth. This is a freewilled world!

Our trials, my friend, shall soon be over, and we shall rejoice in the Light and Freedom of our New Day!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer