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"Hello, Central!" My Family Is Hearing Weird Voices And Seeing Ghosts At Night. What Are They, And Can We Interact With Them?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ore dailey. I like to know if these ghost are people that pass on, or their demons as the bible calls them, taking on human form in spirit? Is the bible been, manuplated throught history to the point, that the person's live ends in death, without a soul leaving the body? I learn alot, but there's so many info out there, that I like finding good source, of truth.

How do the GF view, on these ideas, that we have taught to believed? Would we be able to interact with ghosts etc, during the accension process. Because my family has been experience weird voices, and seeing ghosts, at night. I hope you can help me in this regard. I'm open mind person, and I want to make sure, that everything I research is truth. You and your family are doing a great job, in, keep us inform, of changes. I appreaciated very much to hear from you, concering these experineces.

Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 25, 2005


Dear AGS:

Do not apologize for asking questions. That is how we learn.

We live in a 3D world of the five senses. The 4D and higher is the spirit world of the sixth sense. When we die our physical body stays in 3D, but our real self or soul goes to 4D or what is called the Astral Plane. This is a transition plane where we judge ourselves before Creator God according to the Laws of God and Creation and decide where we will go next for our lessons in soul growth---to a higher dimension such as 5D or again to 3D. The Bible does not make these concepts clear.

Spirits, ghosts etc. are beings usually of 4D. They may be family or friends or even enemies who have passed on, and are now on the Astral Plane in spirit form. Sometimes they are held between 3D and 4D because we are grieving over their passing and have not let them go. Some may be evil spirits that we have allowed to enter our 3D space, and who may even enter our physical body to express in the physical what they want to do.

You have the thought-power within to completely control and remove all spirits and ghosts, etc. from you and from your home, family, work place and your life. You must simply order them gone completely and permanently from you through your God Spirit within. You can do this verbally or through your thoughts. Ask the Lighted Realms and your Guardian Angels to help to do this. Tell your Guardian Angels what to do. Their job is to guard and guide you, but you must ask for their help.

The Angels of Light may appear to you and talk with you. You will know them by their positive energy and you will feel no fear. Ask if they are from the Light. They must answer you, and if they are not of the Light, tell them to leave immediately and never return. By Cosmic Law they must obey.

Have no fear of any spirits or ghosts. They have no power over you, unless you give it to them.

Thank you for your kind words of our work at Fourwinds. May you always find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
