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"Hello, Central!" Bellringer, You Are A Scam Artist And A Predator, Feeding Off The People! (Updated Sept. 5, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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am fully aware of who you are and I know that you are a predator, feeding off people just like him who are easily swayed due to illness or other reasons. All our family has been hearing about for years is that "anyday" he will receive his return. Where the hell is it? And don't try your mumbo crap, either because people like me don't buy it. YOU ARE A SCAM ARTIST. I expect you to give my dad his money back and if you don't, there will be serious consequences for you from the long arm of the law. In addition, if you do not have my father's money returned to him and a confession that this has been a scam to sport your laziness, I will be contacting Dateline, and other media as well as the FBI. I suggest you take

this seriously.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 4, 2006


Dear JD:

I fail to make any sense whatsoever of your letter.

You obviously know nothing about me, about NESARA, about the Prosperity Programs, much less about the Truth of Creator God's Plan for our time. You probably know little about your father and much less about yourself.

Why the anger? Why the fear? Why the seeking of revenge? By the Cosmic Law of Returns by pouring out your venom on me, you are pouring this negative energy right back upon yourself in multiple amount.

I have no connection to the funding or have any control over any of these Prosperity Programs. Why would you think that I do? I can only report the progress of what is happening based on my reliable sources. I have never taken any money from your father for these programs. In fact, I never realized who your father was until you sent me this rant!

You father has a freewill. Why do you seek to control him? Under the Law of Karma he is responsible for his actions, just and you and I are held accountable for our actions.

You threaten me with your foolishness. The media will prove you for the fool that you are. The FBI have no power over these Prosperity Programs or over me. The good FBI are helping to get these programs funded.

Oh, yes, these Prosperity Programs do exist and are in the process of funding even now. Your father will prove you to be the laughing stock of the town very soon.

I suggest that you get help before you push yourself "over the edge". Love heals to perfection! Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: EGA


Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 4:59 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Patrick,

This is in regards to: "Hello, Central!" Bellringer, You Are A Scam Artist And A Predator, Feeding Off The People!

I am writing you because of all the non-believers in this world that throw out all their negative emotions towards you for giving truth. Having been awakened 13 years ago has taught me that their is more truth to this universe than what we had been and are being told by the controllers of this world.

That was to take responsiblity to search out truth for oneself instead of letting the controllers do your thinking for you. The truth comes from within, but laziness and dumbed down senses has created some people who do not want to do anything for themselves, but blame others for their being asleep.

I know as you and many others, that NESARA does exist and will be announced.

It's time to wake up people!

In 2005 I received another confirmation of NESARA's existence by a respectable Navy Seal friend of mine who I asked about NESARA. He asked me how I knew of it, because it was TOP SECRET. I told him all I had to do was my research and he was part of that research.

On August 18, 2003, spoke with my insurance agent at American Family Insurance in Minnesota about my lapsed life insurance policy. I had told him the money wasn't there to pay the premium, that I was going to wait it out to see what NESARA would bring when it was announced.

He played dumb at first, then I said if he really didn't know what it was, he should talk with his corporate office and they would tell him all about it. At that point he admitted to knowing about it. It does exist. He confirmed it to me.

My brother had asked his financial planner about NESARA and the guy was stunned to learn that my brother knew about NESARA.

I also got a NESARA Confirmation from a Petty Officer of the Navy

I talked with a Petty Officer from the Navy on October 22, 2003 who is a recruiter for the Navy trying to recruit my son.

I mentioned how I didn't think it was a good idea until NESARA was announced. He said NESARA? I said yah the National Economic Security And Reformation Act. He then said oh yah... that is still in the works for being announced.

Thanks Patrick and Anne for your loyalty and hard work.

In Light and Love,