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"Hello, Central!" Why Are You Posting Negative E-Mail? By Doing So You Are Spreading Fear!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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m the other posts I have read on here which are filled with love, light and hope. I am sure you have seen the secret. If enough people read the blogs and believe than it will manifest. We only want to manifest love and light.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 7, 2006


Dear S:

"The Secret", which focuses on the Law of Attraction", does not tell the whole story. It is true that what we focus our thoughts on we energetically create, but we cannot avoid Truth. Truth is! Truth may be about very negative things or very positive things, but we learn from Truth. Once we learn Truth we choose that on which we wish to focus our attention.

Most "Hello, Centrals!" are of positive energy, but I did one to show the negative thinking of some people for your edification. That does not create fear. It is Truth. It is your choice what you will do with the negative information presented to you. All is not "lovey-dovey", as the New Agers would have you believe. We still live in a 3D world of goodness and evil. We must know what the Darkside is doing, so we know how to focus our positive energy to defeat the Darkness.

As Hatonn has said in the Phoenix Journals, the lies of the Darkside must be revealed, so you can defeat them. That is why so much of the Phoenix Journals are negative. They tell the whole Dark story of lies, deceit, revenge, hate and evil intrigue of every kind, again for our edification. When we know this dark Truth, then we can set ourselves free of it by our power of positive thinking! "Hear no evil, see no evil, read no evil" is not the answer.

We must know our enemy well in order to out-smart him. By our thought-power we take the lemons and make lemonade. Posting negative information does not create negative energy. Only the reader can do that, or he can change it to positive energy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer