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"Hello, Central!" Why Would Our Loving God Aton Kill Billions Of People With Earth Changes And Leave Nothing For Us To Come Back To, When The Funding

Patrick H. Bellringer

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to me to think that God Aton would kill millions of people,destroy the homes of billions,which contain all of those peoples memories and the things they love that make their lives wonderful.All of this destruction in the flip of Mother Earth when simply announcing Nesara and delivering the rest of the packets after the announcement would prevent all of this future pain of the evacuation.First contact could happen quickly and Mother Earth could be repaired by our Galactic brothers and sisters.Plan B would destroy the lives of billions of people and leave nothing for them to go back to.? ? ? ? ?I cannot believe that a God that is Love would destroy the lives of more than 5 billion souls. Isn't Plan A much simpler and all love?

Very confused,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 23, 2006


Dear R:

You have it all backwards, my friend, and are very much stuck in third dimension. Have you not been reading the Phoenix Journals and what I have written these many years?

We are not coming back to a third dimension Earth Shan. She will be in fifth dimension. She is our mother, but we have nearly killed her by not obeying the Laws of God and Creation. She has to clean off all the negative energy, toxins and trash we have put on her, along with all our third dimensional things.

Creator God does not destroy or kill anyone. By our neglect and disobedience to the Laws of God it is we who have chosen to experience destruction and death. Everyone has the choice through enlightenment to raise their frequencies to the fifth dimension and not go through a physical death at this time, if they so choose. This is a freewill planet and everyone has the opportunity, if evacuation is necessary, to go aboard a Starship to safety. No one is going to force you to do that. Those who choose not to leave during the cleansing period of our Earth will likely perish, but they have then chosen to kill themselves, not by Creator God.

Due to the delays of our civilization to bring any relief to our dying planet, time has nearly run out for Plan A. Plan B (evacuation) could begin at any moment. Only our Mother Earth knows how much more she can stand before she begins her self-healing.

You are pouting about losing your beautiful house and all your fancy possessions, so that there will be nothing to come back to enjoy. That is totally third dimensional thinking and one of the basic reasons for the present condition of our planet. We are not coming back to a 3D planet! Get it? We are returning to "Heaven on Earth!" What would Heaven do with all our 3D stuff?

At this late date how do you purpose to restore our planet to stop the coming cleansing and recovery period? Angel magic? I think not! The Angels will help but they will not do it for us. It is our mess, not theirs! We are here for our lessons in soul growth, and if we do not learn them now, we will start over, like a third grade student repeating third grade, right where we left off in 3D

Do not blame God. It is all about our lessons and our choices. Whatever happens to us, we did it to ourselves. We did it by deliberate actions, by neglecting our responsibilities, by our non-involvement, complacency and desire for things and pleasure. Our planet is dying, but she will recover with or without our help, and by her freewill she chooses her method of self-recovery.

Aton is a God of Love. He gives us our freedom to live, to learn and to grow toward soul perfection. He does not interfere with our choices, and when we have created a mess of things that will cause our demise, He provides us an escape route.

The most basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is absolute. It is also called the Law of Karma or of consequences. There is a cause and an effect for every action. We reap what we sow. Some of us have caused evil on Earth Shan. Others of us have allowed it. Others of us have created goodness. Now is the time for reaping what we have sown. It is really that simple.

All of the gold in the world and all the good things of NESARA probably would have little impact on the recovery of Earth Shan at this time. As I have said, time has run out.

We each are responsible for ourselves, our lessons and our mission. May we each find the Truth we need for our journey to perfection.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer