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"Hello, Central!" I Am Finally Understanding What Is The True Meaning Of NESARA! (Could Access Only Fourwinds!)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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one came up out of every single website in my was your website. Don't you find that strange that out of all the websites I tried to have come up your's was the only one that came up? After about 10-15 mins everything was back, I was able to access every site I couldn't before.

I also wanted to say that I am finally understanding what the true meaning of NESARA is and I am trying to live that everyday of my life. Nothing but good things have been coming into my life and I feel so much love in my life that I have never felt before. Keep up the good

work Patrick and I know NESARA is just right around the corner.


Love and light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 30. 2006


Dear C:

Thank you for your letter. Strange things happen to us for a reason. It is for us to interpret the meaning of these "signs".

I am pleased that you are broadening your understanding of the intent of NESARA. We reap what we sow. Peace in our world begins with "me". So it is with Love, joy and all good things. We create the positive energy and send it into the ethers. By Cosmic Law it returns to us in like kind and in ever greater amounts.

So, be happy, if you want the world to be happy. Be loving, if you desire the world to be loving. Be peaceful, if you want our world to be at peace. This is a very simple formula to follow, but very difficult to accomplish, when faced with the opposition presently on our planet. Know that the Light has already won, because faithful Lightworkers have emerged victorious over the Darkness. NESARA is now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer