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"Hello, Central!" Why Won't The Forces of Light Just Intervene And Get The Job Done Once And For All? (Updated August 28, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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entiments certainly represent many other anxiously awaiting people, including myself.

I have been following the NESARA developments off and on for almost four years now. Several times I, too, have become disillusioned and given up. But, later, I reconsider and realize that there is no other hope for those of us who know and understand the current state of affairs from an enlightened point of view.

And I, too, have been finding that my "faith" has not been working lately. The more I try to stand my ground and believe for NESARA and other good things to be manifest upon earth, the more I get slapped down for it. Then, top this off by seeing that the NESARA reports just keep bringing the same old promises day after day, the same disappointments over and over, and the same worn out excuses for why it didn't happen. It does get old after a while and it gets very frustrating. I also find myself sometimes wondering if NESARA is really true.

I'm not saying all this to be cinical or critical, or to plant doubts among the people. I'm saying this because so many of us are truly becoming very weary and frustrated.

I also have my own NESARA battles going on. For about five years now I have been challenging the statutory system of law in the courts. (Good luck, right?) While I've had a few victories, I've been beat down far more often. (In case you're wondering, I didn't choose this course. I've been harassed by the authorities because I refused to conform to corporate government policies and statutes which conflict with our rights under the Bill of Rights. I've found that challenging such regulations as unconstitutional to be an effective way to make my stance in favor of NESARA.)

Due to my unique legal strategies utilizing the Bill of Rights and NESARA, the authorities have finally quit harassing me because their attempts to impose an unconstitutional prison term upon me have failed several times. They finally gave up and are now leaving me alone. But, I am very tired and weary of the battle, and the Dark side seems to be blocking all my spiritual and business work at every turn, to the point that I am left almost destitute at the moment.

Your answer to D's letter showed no compassion. It showed no understanding for the trials that we are ALL going through. In fact, your answer made me want to delete your web site from my browser!

Patrick, for the sake of ALL of us who are suffering at this time, please give us some REAL answers.... PLEASE.

On 26 April 2006, it was stated that the Masters had been given approval to intervene in any way they see fit. I'm sure I represent a large number of people when I ask the following question: WHY WON'T THE FORCES OF LIGHT JUST INTERVENE AND GET THE JOB DONE ONCE AND FOR ALL?!?!?

In faith and hope,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 28, 2006


Dear PRA:

Thank you for your letter. I understand your frustration over the repeated delays with the NESARA Mission. Know that NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time and that God's delays are not God's denials.

The main problem is that this plan must also have 3D input, and that always involves freewill choices that often do not line up with the Plan. You criticize me for lack of compassion with "D". I have written many letters to "D" in response to his sarcasm and ridicule and temper tantrums, and it is high time that he "grows up" spiritually!

These lessons keep repeating until we learn them. Why do you ask me for "Real Answers"? You have the same sources that I do. Use them! The Master's have Heaven's approval to intervene, but they are restricted by Cosmic Law and are not allowed to do everything for us! We would not learn our lessons, if they did it all for us. Got it? So, get to work and do some pushing with your own thought-power to make goodness happen. It is by thought that the battle is won! Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RW


Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 1:01 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Hey Pat,

Can I call you Pat?

I would like to help you clarify some things with these numerous hesitant ones. I think hearing reassuring words from a bystander like them would help out some. I am in no position to contradict you, you speak out of love and hope that things are played out as smoothly as possible. I do not know 100% what your daily life puts you through, but I do understand that it isn't easy running this site, going back and forth like a decapitated chicken delivering these articles to us, and in the end recieving negative feedback.

Every time I read these guys' letters to you I get such a strong urge to voice my opinion to them, I want to help them in their confusion. I think what everybody here needs is just a little reassurance. What we all need to keep in mind GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. And also, how many times have we been told that our lives here on Earth are a test, a test of our faith, a test our inner-souls wanted to take? Maybe our patience is being tested!

We must keep these things in our head, we have to obtain a thought process that is stuck on what is good, what is divine. When I see the constant set-backs of NESARA, I don't think of "who's fault is it this time?", or "why can't those masters do their job?". The way I tend to think of is quite different. I say in my head, "I wonder why God has allowed this to happen, what are we going to learn from this, who will open their mind and do something about it?"

Blessed are those who do not see, yet believe.

~ p.s. I'd appreciate a response, and LOVE it if you're able to post my message to the people



----- Original Message -----

From: SF

To: Fourwinds

Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:32 PM

Subject: hello

Dear Mr.Bellringer,

I’ve been reading Fourwinds for a few years now. I’ve wanted to write to you for some time regarding all these frustrated people. They read your messages and comments everyday, but do they understand? They may not. Maybe they are too dependent on Fourwinds. It’s a lot of hard work to get to that place of ‘understanding’ and ‘enlightenment.’ Are they doing the work to get there or are they depending on you to do it? Everyone these days is waiting for a leader or a hero to show up instead of taking action themselves to change their own lives.

I like the ‘metaphor’ the other writer used about the band who never played due to a flat tire or a sick band member. That poor person kept on buying tickets; kept on buying tickets and was left with nothing but disappointment. I wonder if God is disappointed in us for being these complaining and passive people? God keeps on ‘buying the ticket’ in the hopes he can see us ‘perform’……

You could also think of that story this way: the flat tire or sick band member are ‘all the people who want to sit back and complain about what’s not happening.’ People want to be rescued by God. It’s no different when a parent bails his own child out of everything and the child in the end never learns. We are God’s children; would it be in our best interest for God to come down and lift us out of this ‘terrible situation?’ No.

All these people who are frustrated and irritated and tired need to stand up from their computers and start living and changing their lives in positive ways. They need to change their lives in a spiritual, physical, psychological, and emotional way.

It’s so easy to sit in front of the computer or t.v. and live a passive existence; blaming and complaining. It is no different from kids sitting on the couch eating junk food and watching t.v. or playing video games all day long.

I believe Fourwinds was created to: #1. Inspire people with knowledge & truth. And #2. Empower people to take that knowledge and truth and use it. Use it in their daily lives to change and create. Create wonderful things in their own lives, and in the lives of others around them.

All these people who are frustrated forgot the second part.

GOD/Creator ATON/Sananda/All the Ascended Masters and Peaceful Space Friends are WAITING ON US….. Not the other way around……

I wonder how frustrated they are of us?! They must look at us as if we were ‘cave men’ or ‘ego-centric toddlers.’

Thank goodness they all LOVE us so much; otherwise they would have left us a long time ago.