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'"Hello, Central!" Does One Need To Be Baptized To Receive God's Blessings?"

Pattrick H. Bellringer

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and as a small child I went to various sunday schools,but was never baptised or christened.

I had a very difficult childhood, and was often in trouble!!

I used to tell my friends my dad was the brightest star in the sky and would often talk to him.

As an adult I searched for the truth in various religions hoping to belong, but never did! all i could see was death and destruction of our children and hatred among their kin.

I didn't know what to believe, I talked to God in my quiet times and feel he is as my father, then i've felt guilty because of what iv'e been taught about the need for baptism going to church etc.

My belief is 'it's what's in your heart that matters' and that is how i try to live my life.

About 10 years ago my boyfriend and I visited Glastonbury Tor, as we sat there contemplating the sheer majesty and beauty of the place we got some tourists to take a photograph of us.

Later when we got the pictures developed we could make something out in the background.

During the period of about a week a word appeared in great big white letters saying 'LIVE'. We both beleive it was a message for us, and I feel like it was some sort of acceptance from the father.

My now husband has not been christened either.

I would appreciate your thoughts, and hope I am part of the light.





FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 26, 2006


Dear G:

Thank you for your letter. All religion is of man's creation. Religious rites, such as baptism, are not needed to know God. In fact, in most cases religion has served to keep us from truly knowing God.

Various Christian (cult) denominations put their own interpretation on the sacrament of baptism. They may sprinkle with "holy water" the person being baptized, pour or immerse for the purpose of saving one's soul from hell to dedication to living the Christian life. All such activity is purely religious nonsense for mind-control over the people.

Your connection to your Creator is through your God Spirit within. The meaning of baptism is whatever you determine it to be between you and Creator God. If you determine that you need to go and jump into the river, as a symbol of cleansing of your soul, so be it, but you do not need religion to orchestrate it! If you determine that baptism has no merit for you, again, so be it.

Esu Immanuel was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptizer both as a symbol of acceptance of his mission as a Truthbringer, and as a means to be accepted by the people, who thought baptism was important for "holiness". Baptism has nothing whatsoever to do with the receiving of Creator God's blessings or being chosen for any special responsibilities. It is all a matter of your intent and heart's desire.

The same holds true for church attendance. In most cases church attendance is a way to take your money and control you be brain-washing you with religious lies. The many, who are caught in this trap today, are soon to experience "culture shock" with the discovery of the Truth. First Contact will be a "shocker-rue" big time!

So, know that, if baptism has negative energy for you, you are certainly better off without it. We all have the same spiritual connections through our God Spirit within to Creator God, and we certainly do not need any religion, or religious leader or religious rite to make that connection for us.

That is part of the big Lie, and that is why Hatonn has called us, "People of the Lie!"

The word "live" in your photo is a great confirmation from your Angels. They love having fun!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer